This Apple tv series ' Foundation' is overall pretty damn good and especially when you're high!
It's extremely multifaceted...................... And that's being extremely conservative!
You definitely have to concentrate! But you're well rewarded.
The series definitely has some very interesting conceptions. Genetic rule. Essentially one man ruling over time through a secession of clones.................... And with the reality of human genetic drift.
The "Cleon"...... derivative of clone.......... At the time, has a intelligent robotic female companion that is there aide and advisor. In the current movie present time, that aid and advisor was 14,000 years old.
Oh that's just a small part of it. You can really geek out on some of the stuff.
It does have some slow. And I think they do have a bit of a problem in communicating some concepts, at least semi plainly.
If you haven't checked this out I think it's well worth the watch.
I'm definitely mackin' on that Mack N Crack!