Let’s go to Mars…. Or build a new city/country with correct education and do it so even the really bad guys understand that crimes to other humans are wrong.
Everything is legal as long as you R honest and don’t hurt other people. Self defense against uneducated people is okey. Dream-world but, it’s one way.
What’s your long-term idea?
Well, I didn't know or didn't realize that all this was started at the state level when they changed the level for misdemeanor. I thought it was something locally. Changing that would be the first step.
After that, I have No clue to what they need to do to break up what been established in the criminal community because of this state action.
As you can see it is quite extensive! Whatever they do it's definitely going to get messy.
It's just really sad to see what has matured. The Bay Area is definitely not the same but the last time I was there. In the late 70s and early 80s, It was very beautiful and pretty safe, for the most part. It was definitely the place for a single
straight male!

I've been through the Bay Area several times, mainly catching different Mac flights. , During one of those travels, I caught some orders that kept me there for a little over three weeks. In addition to that big ass duffel bag, I always carried a garment bag for my more dressy civilian attire and to carry my dress uniforms.
It was almost shamefully easy for a straight guy to pick up female companionship! That all changed a couple of years later with the outbreak of AIDS. It was definitely fun while it lasted!

I don't have an answer. I do think that something needs to be done pretty quickly though. It's not going to get any better until they do something to correct it. I do think the longer they wait the worse it's going to be.
And that's the problem with
all legislators really. They just don't think into the future when they make legislation. They just don't think about the total impact of what they're doing.