Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '24

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Guy in a FB group is telling growers if they want their weed to taste skunky, to spray them with sulfur right before harvest.

I want you guys to all know that simply by NOT making this statement yourselves, you have won the internet today.
I read something recently about adding sulfur to soil or feeding for extra skunk :pass:

Just want your take on this here, buddy.
Next time, add a little oyster sauce to your jelly and chili sauce. I know kroger carries it in the asian section. It adds a ton of umami. Doesn't add any sort of fishy flavor. I use the hell out of it in all sorts of stuff. Even pasta sauce, a spoonful will just add something special to it.
I read something recently about adding sulfur to soil or feeding for extra skunk :pass:

Have seen where a lot of photo growers are just using calcium sulfate in their rez the last two weeks to increase the calcium and sulfur for terpenes.

While on calcium, have you heard of a guy named Slownickel? He's a huge proponent of super high calcium and a lot of those aforementioned people are following suit. He has a line of products, so take it with a grain of salt. There are a bunch of threads with/about him on most of the "other forums". Check it out. Pretty interesting, but a lot of it goes pretty in depth and over my head.
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