Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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And the whole I've got the 3 magic letters game (PhD)
Actually stands for Phucking Dumbass in layman's terms.......My sister has one, haven't spoken in years and I attribute that to my ability to constantly be able to point fallacies in her way of thinking about things......and that Mom always said I was the smarter one.
Let them play what ever blame game (if their heads to big to admit they fucked up) they want but they better freaking fix it.
We'll see. Hopefully it will maintain the shape they put in when they had to remove some of the cartilage.
I do think ears are slower to heal with the lower blood flow to that area and the infection slows it more.
Actually stands for Phucking Dumbass in layman's terms.......My sister has one, haven't spoken in years and I attribute that to my ability to constantly be able to point fallacies in her way of thinking about things......and that Mom always said I was the smarter one.
Sorry to hear it.

Seems to me the problem is when they start thinking "I am a genius" and they lose the ability to see when they're wrong or their head gets so big they can't possibly admit just maybe someone else has an idea better than theirs hahaha
Plenty of them that I met that ain't like that but then there's a few who are and it's just gone to thier head.
Or just maybe they're so insecure they feel threatened if everyone doesn't see them as the brightest bulb in the room

It's their problem.
I've been wrong b4 I'll be wrong again don't phase me none.
We'll see. Hopefully it will maintain the shape they put in when they had to remove some of the cartilage.
I do think ears are slower to heal with the lower blood flow to that area and the infection slows it more.
I don't know about that lower blood flow thought....mine bled like crazy anytime I nicked or cut em. Like a scalp wound, lots of blood without much damage.
Actually stands for Phucking Dumbass in layman's terms.......My sister has one, haven't spoken in years and I attribute that to my ability to constantly be able to point fallacies in her way of thinking about things......and that Mom always said I was the smarter one.
I'm pretty sure Sub designs pass through the hands of a Phucking Dumbass. There are multitudes of parts and equipment that my Uncle's old retarded Lab could have designed better!
I had many a head scratching moments while stationed there! LOL!
I don't know about that lower blood flow thought....mine bled like crazy anytime I nicked or cut em. Like a scalp wound, lots of blood without much damage.
I've seen that too, but it could be from some reason the blood doesn't coagulate as quick as in other areas.
Bleeding helps get any infectious junk outta the cut. Maybe that's the body's way of lessening infection chances in those areas. The body does stranger things.
This conclusion comes from seemingly slower healing I've had in the past from cuts in the past.
Actually stands for Phucking Dumbass in layman's terms.......My sister has one, haven't spoken in years and I attribute that to my ability to constantly be able to point fallacies in her way of thinking about things......and that Mom always said I was the smarter one.
99% of the time higher education book smarts requires an absence of common sense!
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