Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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Maybe hook up a float switch to an alarm to notify you when it's low?
I have only had this issue when i mess with the carrots cuz i never track which ones have been adjusted! I also realized part of the drip issue was the drippers being dirty from roots growing up into them! On 2 pots today i pulled the drippers out and ran em under sink and used a syringe to blast water thru them to make sure they weren’t plugged and once hooked back up they all drip evenly now! Gonna pull the other 2 pots drippers and clean them now just to make sure all are flowing evenly so don’t get dry spots that wanna act hydrophobic! :d5:
LOL, how things change with time, LOL, back in the late 70's and early mid 80's when I was down there, it was a nasty hog farm, LOL, there was no housing areas down that way, just farms and swamps.
Yeah things have definitely changed, even in just my 31 years. Developers have snapped up every bit of land they can for new construction and the OG farming families are happy to sell for $$$$. Never you mind the fact that the whole pungo area is prone to massive flooding. Developers don't care they just want to put in builder grade homes and sell them for half a mil or more. Wild to me that people are even willing to buy them but seems to be a case of more money than brains.
Good thought! I think you'd have to mix it with cocoa well to get it down to a more of a liquid state. I do make solves with beeswax, cocoa, oil and essential oils, that stuff is just amazing! Now I do wonder how that would affect efficacy of cannabinoids... Got me thinking mossy!

Regarding mosses comment about beeswax. On the phone can't seem to fund insert quotes. I am an awkward user on a phone
Time to saddle up the Unicorn with some Double Grape and go for a ride!
very nice vid @Mañ'O'Green subbed on the toob :bow:
Thanks @Zaaboot I think if I was to remake it I would do it much shorter. It really is a simple process and the results are great.
Myabe I will re-edit it.

Well I just gotta go out and enjoy this beautiful sunshiny day.

smell the flowers.gif
20 more pages and I'll only be 600 behind, then I'll get up and water my empty pots yet again lol. Need to grab a bag of seed starter or something similar to top them off with, as of right now the root balls seem to have composted down pretty nicely and since I killed off my cover crop I've got a decent amount of mulch on but levels are looking a bit low overall. Plus I'm in my window for starting this summers garden plants indoors for transplant in early April so gotta get my butt in gear on that as well. I'll probably do that downstairs in the bathroom with the cacti under the Mars 300w so I don't have to lose any tent space to tomatoes and peppers lol. Probably going to do containers on the balcony again this year, planting them in the ground in the backyard was a flop with the critters who like to visit when I'm not looking. Not to mention the garden soil I used down there was clearly very very N heavy cause I had a whole ass jungle of veg growth but very little in terms of actual fruiting from my plants. Did get one massive butternut squash though, it's in the dining room somewhere with literally everything else that belongs in the kitchen at the moment.
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