That's like a Canadian quarter in 1965 dollarsLooks like fun but not sure it's $9.99 worth of fun..
OH MY GOD I FORGOT TO TELL YOU ALL! I ordered a beehive last week! I'll be picking up 3lbs (apx 10k) of bees in March and bringing them home. Only mildly terrified lol but also very excited.
Actually.. got a new hive this last spring... but with divorce and life didnt have a chance to capture a swarm. This year though... fingers crossed!
Yeah I know. Good news is most of the people on this street rent and give zero fucks about upkeeping outside. I'm planting native grasses and flowers in the easement shortly and I may "accidentally" plant them the full length of the row since no one ever really goes back there. The golf course is a concern but that's all low mowed grass, since it's a public course they don't do much by way of landscaping and making it look pretty. With a typical flight radius of up to 5 miles in any direction they could end up basically anywhere in the city though. We'll see. The kids school does a lot with the agriculture department of the university the campus is on and they've got several huge hives all around the university campus and a big focus on native preservation, and that's only 3 lights down from us so I think it should be pretty ok.Being in such a close proximity to your neighbors be prepared for colony death due to neighbors use of bug sprays in the warmer months.
I use one of these suits for work. Much better then the all canvas ones
USKeepers 3 Layer Bee Suit, Apiarist Ultra Ventilated Beekeeping Suit for Men & Women with Beekeeper Gloves & Two Beekeeping Veils, Beekeepers Suit for Professional and Beginner Beekeepers. (2XL)
Start here:
And here's all my bee videos... LOT of info... and hit me up for questions if you need it
Actually.. got a new hive this last spring... but with divorce and life didnt have a chance to capture a swarm. This year though... fingers crossed!
Then it's back to making splits and building colonies!![]()
She's actually a Siberian forest cat, though they do have some similarities in looks to ragdolls for sure. I'm very allergic and they're as close to hypoallergenic you can get with a cat, I have zero issues even with her cuddling up close to my face. 1000% glad I took the chance cause we all love her tremendously.Ragdoll? She’s lovely.
No. Mostly yellow jackets and hornets. There's a local beekeeper club around here I call when I run into honey bees