I think cannarice is almost as good as cannataters!

Pretty effective way of medicating. I use the same dose in cannacoffee, it just metabolizes much better......I guess.
On top of that, the last rosin is very good. It's quite potent and VERY flavorful. The flavor keeps bringing me back to the Unicorn.
Using the Unicorn is an extremely efficient use of rosin. I don't see how or really why, you see these people making huge clouds of vapor. I think it's stupid as hell! I see it and I instantly think, "Damn dude! What you just dabbed/vaped would keep me lit fer 2 days!"

Speaking of lit.......I'm getting there, but I'm determined to get rid of this stupid ass wrist pain that popped up. It's the site of a childhood fracture!

Jesus.....getting old!
I still have to take down Bananna Bread and move my other Meph freebie to the 4x4 and shut down the 2x4. I really don't want to take BB, but she's pretty amber with no clears. She's still drinking very well. I could let her go, but I don't need another knock out herb. I'm gonna put all of Purple Kong into a 16.9 oz bottle of MCT oil. That should put some hair on your chest.
I think I'm gonna dry BB whole in my drying box. I got 16 days on the last one and think sh could have gone a day or two more. I've had to burp my Grove bag at 67% after setting a day.
Everyone have a great night!