Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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Hubby is away to get his Flu/Covid jab..............I'm still not sure he will......that is his choice.

His Friend got his and was as sick as a dog within about 12 hours...and was really sick for about 2 weeks..... :pass: ...

I Think he was probably an Anomoly....he'd been on a plane the day before......could be something he picked up there.

Fingers Crossed huh.......?.............:pass:
He likely was sick when he got the shot, but not from catching it the day before. He likely contracted it wherever he was flying from if he had been there several days or more.

I have a friend who figured she got sick from the shot. She sounded rough on the phone, and when I saw her (from a distance) later that day, she was obviously quite ill from a respiratory infection, likely covid given the amount of it around at the time. She got sick the day after getting the shot, and had been sick as a dog for two days before I saw her and she was still stuffed up, coughing, feverish and miserable. There is no way that her symptoms were caused by the jab, but I gave up trying to convince her otherwise. Actually, I have pretty much given up trying to convince anyone of anything regarding covid. Waste of time in my experience. :pighug:
Yup will do I am pretty sure for brownies she was using one puck but stepped up to 2 this time cause even she thought the last batch was weak…. I know the last time I asked her we determined that she does do her math based off 700mg per gram average… but how that works with spent pucks is beyond me :dizzy:most of our stuff is still in the trial and error phase more error :haha: :gassy:
It does not work at all. 700mg/gram may be more than your rosin has in it, never mind the entire spent puck. There is zero chance that spent pucks have that much in them. I'd be shocked if they contain even 70mg/g, much less ten times that amount. I suspect that most of what the pucks provide is rosin that is trapped in the weave of the bags, but have not figured a way to test that. Spent pucks are almost entirely plant tissue with a nylon mesh cover. Most of the good stuff has been melted and squeezed out of the puck.

Just my 2 centavos though. :biggrin:
I take you as someone who has never made something to ease physical pain.
Maybe a more humane approach?
I made and fed rso to a pretty special someone who went on. I don't care for the laughter.
I've only made a 50:50 mix of thc:CBD in coconut oil with a little vitamin e as a topical cream.
I'm afraid I know nothing about RSO other than what it is. DMSO is quite amazing at dissolving just about anything.
DMSO is also rapidly absorbed through your skin and will carry whatever is dissolved in it with it including small molecules.
I'm not sure if this helps you.
I really do not work on pain targets no.
Please don't feel I was laughing at you it's just a joke I tell at work and was not directed towards you.
As far as the safety of DMSO I personally choose to wear nitrile gloves when ever I work with it and change them immediately if it gets in them that's just my choice. Beyond that I guess I'd download the MSDS for dimethylsulfoxide and let that be my guide???
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Mine i fried the shit out of a ways back by having blumats up just high enough it wasn’t flooding the tent but i finally lifted a pot and realized there was a puddle under them so they were staying way to wet! Turned em back at that point and stopped frying but was no coming back from the crispies! I did figure out how low they needed to stay so pot wasn’t staying too damp! These newer 2 def look a lot better! I did realize stone dragon was a smidge too light but literally takes a fraction of a twist in these small pots when adjusting! :thumbsup:

Bloodstone at about 30 days
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Stone dragon still has 2 in 1 pot so cutting shorty today!
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Those ones are looking quite good sir. I over feed this one Im trying top dressing and learning as I go lol. her she is.

and my lsd is just as bad smh

now my funkadelic is heading the same fucking path fuck me damn. :wall:

the little ones are good so far fingers crossed they go better
Cannabis does not work on all of the types of pain for me. Long protracted pain responds the best. Back and joint pain, bruises and aches are lessened or eliminated. Sharp pain like Cuts, tooth ache and the such can actually be intensified at least at first.
Nothing I have on hand did a damn thing with pain I had for a while due to a displace sacroileac joint. It was bad, likely the worst pain I have experienced. Canna did nothing to it at all, either the pain or the lack of sleep. :shrug:
Thank you everyone everything is noted :toke:wife is going back to the drawing board but need to rethink and do some more math/testing when not as stoned :thanks::pass:
Holy shit... Twisted Tree burned down and lost everything on 1/7. How terrible...
That is beyond sad. Perhaps a lesson to all interested. As a breeder, never have all your precious genetics in one place. Kinda like backups of documents. Off site storage is required. :sad:
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