I'd move it now. You are probably safe for a few days, but once those flowers start to open, you will be in trouble if that plant is in the tent with a fan going. Git it outa there is my advice. If you want seeds, you can let some flowers open elsewhere, carefully collect a bunch just as they open and put them in a small pill vial or the like inside a bigger jar with some dessicated silica gel to help dry the flowers completely. Once they are dry, you can use the pollen by injecting with a syringe, applying with a small brush, or whatever turns your crank.
The pollen plant does not need to be happy, just alive, so you don't need to sweat the details. A windowsill would do for light, just make sure that you do not leave the plant producing pollen for long, you just want to harvest some opening flowers, and then get the plant out of your house. Male plants drop a lot of pollen, far far more than you want loose anywhere in your house.
Good luck with it.