Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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I did some defoliation on the current grow yesterday. I saved all the trimmed fans that I removed. I seem to remember some posts about using the trimmed fans for making a tea/compost.

What is the skinny on this?

Missed that is my speed reading this morning:coffee2: been thinking about doing the same.. I reped inkadict last night asking for the recipe but never saw anything :shrug::dizzy: So i searched around tonight this i what i remember FF saying about all I know though :doh:

"Chop leafs up! Take a handful at a time and a handful of brown sugar and toss in a bucket and grind together to soften up the leaf pieces! Do that in layers til thru the leafs and then add lil extra brown sugar to be safe! Cover it and wait a few days and then stir it and recover it! Wait about 10-14 days and then strain off the liquid! 3-5ml as a pick me up if plant is stressed! "

here's the post I think I remember seeing some other chatter about it not sure if it was before or after that post :baked: :d5:
Watching a documentary style vid on cannabis with this dry German lady..." The highest concentration of THC is found in the dried female flowers which is why breeders will usually weed out the males, regardless of their chosen pronouns " freaking hilarious. :rofl:
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Russ is my uncle. My dad texted me this.

Russ also claims to have been attacked my bigfoot. Twice.

Edit - Same guy also drank fungicide on accident, thought it was heart burn meds, and basically ended up having to have a gastric bypass because he burnt out his stomach and upper intestines.

A few months later, he wakes up in bed in the morning next to his wife who passed away in her sleep.

Now he lives alone, in a creepy schoolhouse built in the early 1800s, with about 30 cats.

Perhaps a little nuts. Alternately, perhaps he is dealing with dementia, in which case, he is not getting the help that he needs, which these days seems to be the norm for peeps without family to take the tragedy on. :shrug:
Thanks for the reps @Talonxracer :pass: Since I kept extra solo cup I needed to make another stand I had the pieces in my tool box at work just needed to clean and tack them together finally took the time tonight:headbang:
"Anybody who would go to sea for pleasure, would go to hell for a pastime." [adage quoted by Capt. Joshua Slocum]
Captain Slocum would know a thing or two about it. :pighug:
Perhaps a little nuts. Alternately, perhaps he is dealing with dementia, in which case, he is not getting the help that he needs, which these days seems to be the norm for peeps without family to take the tragedy on. :shrug:

Oh, the bigfoot thing has been going on for at least 20 years, if not more.

And, in fact, I kind of believe. I had an experience one time that I'm not certain how to explain. I was walking up a steep hill to my tree stand, and spooked something huge that took off running through the bush. It definitely sounded like it was on two feet, because it didn't sound like a horse running, it sounded like a man running. And when I got to near my stand, the stench was just horrible. It smelled like a trucker ate some bad curry in NYC, and held it until the west coast. You tasted it more than smelled it.

And the whole time I was there, I just felt like I was being watched. I got up in my stand and tried to deal with it, and only stayed about half an hour. I felt like a hole was being drilled into my head by someone staring at me. It finally freaked me out enough I left.

Black bear are extremely rare around here. It didn't smell like a skunk. And...whatever it was, it sounded like it was on 2 legs.

It freaked me out enough that I haven't gone back out there alone, since then.
Take one ripe banana,
As much milk as you need maybe a pint to a pint and a half,
Some Cocoa powder
Smooth peanut butter a good dollop add more or less as desired,
Add a lump of cannabutter an indiscernible amount, use your judgement
Melt cannabutter and put in a large jug
Put in cocoa,
A little milk, just a bit for the moment
Break up the banana and put that in the jug,
Blend with a stick blender, until the mix is smooth,
Add as much milk as you like, maybe a pint to a pint and a half!
Blend again,
Drink and get mashed!
I am currently spannered :baked::LOLStoned:
My judgement was waaaaay off!
I'm not complaining, I'm just gonna have to avoid complex tasks for a while.:jointman:
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