Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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Well back to putting the washing machine back together didn't find anything really plugging it up so not sure what the problem is.. It doesn't want to drain sometimes and throw's a code then locks up it is a pain to unlock then.. I tore it apart way further then I have before literally pulled the pump and every line I could off the drum and rinsed thoroughly may have to thinking about getting a new pump or machine:shrug: :wall::joy: It's a front load whirlpool:toke:
Sounds like a pump
Well back to putting the washing machine back together didn't find anything really plugging it up so not sure what the problem is.. It doesn't want to drain sometimes and throw's a code then locks up it is a pain to unlock then.. I tore it apart way further then I have before literally pulled the pump and every line I could off the drum and rinsed thoroughly may have to thinking about getting a new pump or machine:shrug: :wall::joy: It's a front load whirlpool:toke:
Should be a lint trap somewhere on it before the pump.
Well, got the passion fruit vines planted along the side fence. Little buggers were about root bound after over wintering so should be happy to stretch their legs. Got 50 more minutes to screw around waiting on this auction to get done. Really love finding people that screw up their listing descriptions so I can get stuff cheap. A MSI GTX 1660 Super gpu for $100 sounds good to me. Complete system upgrade/rebuild for under $250.
:wall: ARGH!! :wall:did i not literally just post at the top of this very page, kindly asking to plz STOP uploading/posting picturez-??!! :wall: ppp
Bro I hadn’t loaded that damn page yet! When i posted my message i got the message that it shows saying “new messages have been posted since your last reply” or whatever it says! On phone u gotta refresh the page to see any new messages they don’t just pop up on their own!
Good luck on you Thunder Banana Grow!!
Gnomes huh??
Cue music.....

Did someone mention Underpants??? No...? Oh well too late now! :rofl:

Thanks! I have seen some very nice examples of Thunder Banana having been grown normally, I am very interested in how it will react to being kept small.
You and me both arty except I don't have IG nor do I want it so I'm stuck here trying to think of funny stuff to type:haha: :vibe: I'm a pictures and music kinda of guy too:headbang:
I have never been a Social media person but I guess AFN is a kind of social media and I have made real friends through forums. Today I am chatting to someone who is at the top of their field and is world renown in their field, I can't say a name but if I wasn't on IG I would never have spoken to them! Some days it rains , some days it pours and on other days the sun comes out and rolls you a joint! However Tik tok, twitter and facebook can go suck donkey balls, washed down with a glass of arse vinegar!
ok kidz, sorry for my coming down heavy-handed, but, while a handful of u may know, the vast majority of u have no clue what'z involved when it comez to a site duzn't hafta happen very often (last one was in 2019), but when they do, it'z a multi-step process that can take up to a week to fully complete & iron out the wrinklez of, and yes, with periodz of sporadic downtime involved along the way....that'z jus the way of it....and i can't go into detailz at this time, but trust me when i say that this particular upgrade is totally different & more complex than any of the previous onez....after all is said & done, u'll fully understand why ;) ....suffice it to say that a terabyte'z worth of data is being transferred, the vast majority of which are attachmentz (i.e. picturez, memz, gif'z, videoz, basically anything besidez jus normal text & site emoticonz) takez time, and the more u try to add at the same time all of this is happening duz nothing but add wrenchez to the gearz instead :nono: sooooo, i again ask u to plz jus be patient over the next few dayz & then it'll all be over....OK-? :thanks: and have a great Caturday :toke: ppp
Maybe a running headline at the top of the page would have been helpful to remind people about the ongoing upgrade. I didn't realize it was still going on. Most forums I've been on will close until the upgrade is complete and that's forums that were far more commercialized than this one, where getting back online ASAP is a financial consideration.
With quickness getting this site back online not seemingly being imperative, financial or otherwise, I just thought the upgrade was completed. Not everyone frequents LS.
Sounds like a pump

Yup my thoughts too gonna look into one.. If they aren't crazy expensive I just replace it

Should be a lint trap somewhere on it before the pump.

Yeah right in the pump pulled just that the last time and it was plugged full of crap so this time i thought maybe something was around the impeller but not the case.. I do think I found a bogger in the drain hose possibly plugging it so that may have been the problem but not 100% sure though... Anyways got it all back together now and it's running :woohoo1::goodluck:
Maybe a running headline at the top of the page would have been helpful to remind people about the ongoing upgrade. I didn't realize it was still going on. Most forums I've been on will close until the upgrade is complete and that's forums that were far more commercialized than this one, where getting back online ASAP is a financial consideration.
With quickness getting this site back online not seemingly being imperative, financial or otherwise, I just thought the upgrade was completed. Not everyone frequents LS.
Now that is fucking genius @WildBill I whole hardheartedly agree with you! :headbang: This is definitely one of those rep moments where I wish I could give more than 10 points!! But sadly 10 is all you get!
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