I didn’t realize how much of an effect cannabis has on inflammation until I stopped using it, when I moved from Maine to where I’m at now. I didn’t use from July to October that year….and just a few days after stopping I started noticing increasing inflammation….first just in the morning and at night, then it increased to all the time. Once I went back on the weed, it started decreasing….took a couple months to get back to normal levels of cannabinoids and inflammation. Now I can feel the inflammation, but it’s not enough to notice by sight. Back then joints were red and swollen.I think your dead right and inflammation is behind a lot of diseases.
Here's a cool link about inflammation and how its linked to COVID though the only reason I'm showing it is cause it talks about how the right profile in some types of cannabis was more effective than others. They were looking at TNF(alpha) which is linked to things like arthritis, rhuematiod arthritis , ulcerative colitus, and Crohn's disease as well as IL-6 which is linked to rheumatoid arthritis as well as juvenile idiopathic arthritis.
Which is only to say these are an important links in the pathways to inflammation.
I like to think of a pathway sort of like a row of Domino's. They happen in a like a chain of events all dependant one one another.. take one domino out it stops or at least diminishes the effect.
Or flip 1 domino it starts the path/chain if events.
That's wicked over simplified but it gives you a good rough idea how it works
Any ways my point is cannabis can be hugely beneficial in diminishing inflammation. Some strain profiles can be better than others .
Here's an image where strains 4, 6, 8 and 14 got good results while others didn't.
The Forbes article also includes the actual profiles (but not the actual strains), the actual study in AGING goes into way more detail.
Note this research was done at universities I don't see any links to say Pfizer, GSK, Novartis, Merck, Abbot, Takeda etc . Which means you don't need let this get you concerned they're coming after your cannabis.
Forbes cannabis
AGING article 2021
View attachment 1561324
Weed really has saved me, to be honest. I’m off 14 of 15 pills the va had me on….and the last one is just a heartburn pill since all the other pills fucked up my stomach. Its taken 12 years to get to this point, but here I am….stoned and happy