Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '22

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I love that thing! Good coffee was the only thing missing from my day and I’ll never go back :woohoo1::coffee:especially since I’ve started buying the fresh roasted coffee too:pass:although you’re right MoG is big league compared to my amateur coffee skills:rofl:

Me Simple...makes a Great cup of coffee......:d5:...what more could you want....?

I/we have tried Loads off different types/strengths..sampled more Bad or indifferent coffees that I've had great coffee...but I have settled on Lidl own brand Gold.....tastes like it smells....and has hints of Chocolate....:coffee: ....yum..........

although you’re right MoG is big league compared to my amateur coffee skills:rofl:

Mine too....but i enjoy hearing about it....and the study that goes into it.....same as cooking.....:chef:....

I’m on a quest for a mom. Just going to keep running then thru. :smoking:
Maybe I can get something worth keeping soon.
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You Will.....and some of the journey is just Waiting...and Watching..and Will turn up...IF you get enough Selecton out.....:headbang: ...

Good Luck......

yield and effect are the main issues for me

Pain-killer and does it amber for me...:pass:...if there is a no to doesn't progress.

Confidence is I can get Out...whatever is put In......I can roll traits in and out 'til my heart is content.....but it Must do the first two..or it is Useless to me.
I Wouldn't Work on a canna that wasn't a good pain-killer for me....There are Plenty that don't Help my pain.

I find it a very pleasant taste both inhale and exhale,

I Like my Dope same as my coffee.....:coffee: ...Tangy Taste...and thick enough to stick to me back teeth.....

I love the flavor combination of coffee and chocolate - it is one of the magic ones for my tastes. :pighug:

Lidl Gold.......:headbang:
:toke: @Mañ'O'Green ,, make any sense of this or should i say help me make sense of this ,,which is i am told the optimal light requirement for a planted tank ,, so we want 50 micromoles per square meter / seconds to substrate,,,how do i do the math for example i wanted to know what a 200 watt light would give in a certain dimensioned tank ,,the light to substrate will be some sum with measurement and light speed ,,but i frazzled,
edit ,,even better the calc worked out from tank size to give optimal wattage :shrug:
Think the real estate market is going to be interesting for the next couple years.....Lots of people with rentals that haven't been getting paid and not able to evict has got a lot of them so far behind on their payments they'll never catch up so banks are going to end up with a glut of them. A lot of people deciding they just aren't going to work anymore ( how they are going to pull that off I have no idea). So many small businesses not going to afford to reopen or can't find competant employees......Think the " May you live in interesting times" curse is fixing to happen.

Don't worry, Black Rock is waiting to buy them all!
Can an old Chevy straight 6 can be amazing?:rofl::rofl:
Well, if ya build it like this one......
There's a lot of innovations in this build to bring this engine into the modern era.
With all the custom work on this engine, I just don't get the silly and primitive turbo control.
It just seems out of place with all the other mods.

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