Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '22

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Happy valentines :smokeout: guys and girls.

Just needed to say that there is ALOT of job to do to clean up our City’s!

Look at these armatures that cost us tax-payers multum!

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How much an electrician get paid in your Utopia?
Old-school HPS! At least 150w each.... They could use LED (~30w) and save plenty of our tax-money. Go out and look in your citys guys, there is a lot of dollars that goes -
“up in smoke” lol :crying:

All the best my friends, I just got a new free-time job that i probably will get payed for.
I hate taxes, but for the right reason I’m happy to pay my share to keep the city clean and safe.

Oh - in my future city there is well driven healthy cannabis growing everywhere.

I use these when fixing lights such as those.
unless they have lamps and the ballast is good.
You don’t have to change the fixture.
This cheap light I thought was cool looking and my autocobs aren't where I can get to them it was 79 then got 20 off for being a prime member and I used my reward points so it cost me 0
Amazon product ASIN B09MJW3G8L
U gonna try to hang that in the center with the autocobs around it??
I use these when fixing lights such as those.
unless they have lamps and the ballast is good.
You don’t have to change the fixture.
View attachment 1419868

The major or his colleagues will send me the requested documents on their progress regarding this issue, so it could be good to have some number to go by.

What is the price of those per unit?

BTW - Nice looking buds! :pop:
Oh wow that awesome. Your definitely on top of it better then I was:d5:. Would love to see some pics of your aqua scape. I was kinda of aquarist before I started growing. But I don’t have time for it anymore. I don’t have the patience for it but always did love looking at aqua scaped tanks.:pass:

i got a wee nano tank ... i allready want a 240 ltr and i aint got all me bits together for this one,,

,ille get pictures up as i go along

,,i been watching how to grow moss all afternoon .. :smoking:,,,

Cheers Rep
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