Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '22

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I noticed the groove. Two pieces of 1” ID square tubing.1/4 lthick?
That would do nicely. I think mine were 1x2x1/8, but that’s because that is what I had around. The top and bottom frames are a chunk of trailer hitch tongue I had in the pile. From scratch, I would just use some square 3x3x1/4. Don’t leave out the plywood pads, they isolate the plates thermally from the frame and jack.
Shoot me any other questions you have.

Oops @Cave Dirt Cody and @Daledenton84, the 1x2x1/8 was a typo, the side rails are 1x1x1/8. Stoner moment perhaps, that Fugue State is getting really nice. :biggrin:
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Get Wiggity Wiggity Wack
I did a Kriss Kross lip sync performance for my 5th grade talent show! :rofl:

I got beat by my cousin who did same damn thing but he got 2 kids from class to do a dance routine to his! He lived with us so bastard stole my idea! :cuss: :crying:
Me thinks she’s prob a high school cheerleader that didn’t get into college! She was prob on the high school drinking team! :rofl:
Nah that's definitely the body of an athlete. I'd assume dance or gymnastics and she more than likely is still doing whatever it was. Plus, college is a scam anyways. Job listings with my credentials (5+ years of experience and a wide breadth of related skills and knowledge) and education (BBA) were hiring for $11/hr here when I looked last. Hell at my old company I was only making $16ish an hour. Hubby didn't even finish high school and he made almost $70k last year as a server.
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