Good morning Mum

Hope you're having a lovely day.
Im not trying to start a conversation. I'm not trying to get anybody to jump on the bandwagon with me. Those of you who know what's right... you know.
I'm so sorry I have to disagree with you.
You know I'm an American.
We are under attack. My brothers and sisters to the north of me are under attack. And are fighting back now with big trucks in a capital city and on a bridge. Where the woke media lies about what's really going on.
Make no mistake about it. Freedom is under attack in our world.
If you love freedom and you want your children to enjoy Freedom as you have.
It's Time to wake up NOW !!!
Freedom of speech is #1 in our Bill of Rights and constitution in the American democracy.
The freedom of speech it's like the same thing as the freedom over your own body and choice.
1. Freedom of speech is the freedom to offend.
2. The freedom of speech does not end where....feelings begin.
Without Freedom of speech To me is the same as Authoritarian, Socialist, Communist, Marxist. And Legend media.
I have nothing more to say at this time. This is one and done. I have not said anything to offend anybody. I've just spoke my mind in a respectful way.
Peace be upon all of you

But make no mistake about it. Freedom is under attack the Communist never sleep be aware they are coming. Just like WW2.
Hindsight is always 20/20. I hope we as the human race whom can control the outcome of this..don't have to look back on WW3 and say what I've just said... Again. History repeats itself over and over. Where's the reset button.
In hard times extraordinary men do extraordinary things.
To me this is like watching a train wreck on freedom.

I'm going North today to my Northern property. I'm flying my flags for 154 miles in One Direction and I'll fly them back. To show my support and respect for freedom in our world and in my country.

Love y'all.