Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '22

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Lol, did you get a chance to look at the pics I posted earlier? They look about right to me but I figured I'd try to get some input from yall. Looks like they're pretty well swollen up though. No fade or anything though so idk with this being my first water only grow and all.
Just to get it all perfectly straight - She, the gorgeous young thing, marries an older (you know, the rich dude trophy wife thing...) rich dude. He has a married daughter, and presto marry-o, instant SIL. :biggrin: Or, alternately, he has a married son, and hey presto the other kind of SIL. Either way works just dandy. :biggrin:
Just to get it all perfectly straight - She, the gorgeous young thing, marries an older (you know, the rich dude trophy wife thing...) rich dude. He has a married daughter, and presto marry-o, instant SIL. :biggrin: Or, alternately, he has a married son, and hey presto the other kind of SIL. Either way works just dandy. :biggrin:
I share a birthday with Hugh Hefner :rofl:

But, they can't be *too* rich, cause prenups and all.
Lol, did you get a chance to look at the pics I posted earlier? They look about right to me but I figured I'd try to get some input from yall. Looks like they're pretty well swollen up though. No fade or anything though so idk with this being my first water only grow and all.

no, i didn't look at the picz :rolleyes2:, but duzn't matter, becuz bottom line -> it'z all about the trichz! :shooty: ....and ur the only one to make such a discernment ;) jus sayin & carry on with ur weird familial relationz plz....:smoking: ppp
I just knew you'd go hog wild with the programming, once your hubby gave ya a sample. :biggrin:

It's really can be a helpful tool. With all your 'Mommy things' to do, it can be very helpful for ya.
View attachment 1417190

This one has me a bit worried lmao 40 days old (yesterday) and not a single sign of pistils
Odds are that she is a photo, or at least a photo wanna be. Or maybe an Auto wanna be. Whatever, if she doesn't get her skirts on soon, you are going to need 12/12 if you want flowers.

As to the other one re. ripeness, I think not yet, a few too many light colored pistils and clear trichs still. But we know about my noobified opinion, kinda like eyeballs, every noob has at least two... :biggrin:
I share a birthday with Hugh Hefner :rofl:

But, they can't be *too* rich, cause prenups and all.
Pre-nup negotiations work two ways - make them too unattractive, and the trophy wife moves on. Gotta be something in it for her. Other than the prospect of nursing a declining 80+ year old through his last few years. Sometimes I get the impression that trophy wives might not have examined the long term quite carefully enough. :biggrin:

A close friend of ours is dealing with the age difference thing, not because of the trophy wife game but simply because she and her ~15 years older husband got together years ago when 15 years difference didn't seem like much of an issue. Well, he is now almost 90, and you better believe that the difference is a big deal now. And he is still healthy. The difference in physical ability and interests is now huge, and a serious limitation and frustration every day of her life. I would not wish it on any woman, or man for that matter, although men find themselves in that trap less often, and usually because of health surprises rather than original age differences.

Happy growing peeps, garden or otherwise. :biggrin:
We knew exactly what was wrong and it has been verified. There is scaring on the piston of the timing chain tensioner and it seizes when at operating temperature.

Piston seized on tear down.

it popped out when he started to remove it.


The new tensioner is on and is smooth as silk. I probabley just got that 1 in 10,000 not made right :shrug:
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