I find really hard mixing all the biobizz products in an adequate equilibrium, recently I started a grow journal following the chart that they declare as photo periods one, but with 1/2 doses and it seems going good for now. I read a lot of threads on the site but everyone at the very end has his own way to, so not very functional. What do you think?
I've always liked this guide for feeding by Duck Commander. It's old but still relevant and useful i think.
This is for autoflowers in Biobizz Lightmix soil.
(Duck Commanders)
Bio Bizz LightMix Feeding Schedule
Week1 day 4
Bio Bizz Grow 0.5ml,Bio Bizz Heaven 0.5ml Per L
Grow 1ml,Heaven 1ml, Alg A Mic 1ml per L,
Week 3-5
Grow 2ml,Heaven 2ml, Alg A Mic 2ml per L CalMag 1 feed per week 3ml per 5L
Week 5
Grow 3ml,Heaven 3ml, Alg A Mic 3ml, Bloom 2ml per L CalMag every other feed 3ml per 5L
Week 6
Grow 3ml,Heaven 3ml, Alg A Mic 3ml, Bloom 2ml,CalMag every feed 3ml per 5L
Week 7
Grow 3ml, Heaven 3ml, Alg A Mic 3ml,Bloom 3ml, CalMag every feed 3ml per 5L
Week 8-10 week Pre-Harvest
Grow 2ml, Heaven 4ml,Alg A Mic 3ml, Bloom 3ml, CalMag
Week 10
Heaven 4ml,Bloom 4ml, No CalMag
Week 11
Plain Water (I have done this with out plain water and extended Week 10's feed till harvest day doesnt affect taste or smoke)