Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '22

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I'm gonna have to get with @Fermented_Fruitz on it I know he mentioned making separate ferments from the roots/leaves/flowers. Hubby is not thrilled about the idea of me intentionally filling the yard with "weeds" but every single one of the ones I plan on growing not only has benefits for the cannabis but also is edible, smoke able, medicinal, or some mixture of the three. Also serving as natural pest control just by existing in the yard. No clue what I'm gonna do with the neem tree start though :rofl: don't really have much space for a tree so I may have to bonsai it and keep it indoors. We have a fairly large Japanese maple out back and I've got a dwarf cherry tree I planted out front this summer and thats pretty much all I got tree space wise.
I wouldn’t recommend intentionally infesting your yards with dandelions cuz they grow like crazy and will take over! I’d do the nettle and comfrey instead vs a 3 part dandelion unless u can get em from someone who already has em growing in their yard!
Watup stoners! I was checking my notices and thought I'd stop by and post a couple pics of my current grow.


CDLC on the right and I'm thinking I may have pushed her too far as I'm seeing some fox tailing going on. She's at day 59 & both she and her neighbor got too much light in early veg & it stunted her, (before I downloaded a par app). Her neighbor is another nightmare fuk-up that I'll never do again. So same time I drop CDLC, I drop a Gorilla Glue, and she sprouts but begins looking sickly ... so my dumb azz drops anther GG bean maybe 2 inches from the sickly baby, (thinking I'll wait and cull the weaker one). That never happen and now I got 2 sisters in 1 5 ga pot. I mean I bent them in opposite directions the best way I could and it was pretty easy to trim and keep em separate until they started putting on size. So lesson learned. Also, I have 1 other girl pictured below. She's a Cash Crop Auto, (3/4 Northern Lights), and I ran her last grow and all my friends loved it. She's the biggest girl but she's the furthest behind at day 45. :peace: :pass:

Try having a baby at 19 with like 25 plus people in the room (military teaching hospital) pretty much kills any modesty or inhibitions you may have had prior lmfao.
I've never been shy. I figure it was just the way Mom N Pop raised me. Never really been shy about being 'nekked', but there are less comfortable situations.
One of those 'less comfortable situations' was when I had an emergency appendectomy. I had flareups before and they came on pretty quickly. Pop said the next time I had a flareup, it was coming out. Little did he know that he would be in the hospital at another city at the time.

I went to the Doc, he confirmed it and scheduled the surgery. Mom took me to the hospital and got me admitted. I'm laying in my bed and my girlfriend's Mom came in. She was a LVN there. She took my vitals and said she has to 'prep' me for surgery. Well, back then, they almost shave ya from head to toe.

Soooooooo, I'm there in all my glory and my girlfriend's Mom is lathering me up and then shaving me. It was a bit 'touchy' to say the least. She always looked at me different from that point on. LOL!

From time to time, I teased my girlfriend with, "Your Mom seen me nekked!" :eyebrows: :eyebrows: :rofl: :rofl:
I wouldn’t recommend intentionally infesting your yards with dandelions cuz they grow like crazy and will take over! I’d do the nettle and comfrey instead vs a 3 part dandelion unless u can get em from someone who already has em growing in their yard!
I genuinely don't care lol and I'm planning on using them as food/meds too so its fine. Plus I need stuff that will break up the crazy compacted dead clay "soil" in our little 18'x23' yard. Dry and dusty and definitely not primed for growing *anything* but with their mineral mining tap roots and dynamic accumulation I will leave whatever I don't use to chop and drop and compost in place over the winter as a soil conditioner and to add organic materials back in. I've been doing a bunch of research into that along with various hormones and enzymes and such produced by various types of plants and how the natural "weed" cycle goes about repairing soil structure and mineral contents and such. Every single "weed" people try to eradicate serves a purpose in the health and stability of the soil structure, pH, organic material content, etc. Pretty fascinating stuff when you get deeper into the rabbit hole.
Watup stoners! I was checking my notices and thought I'd stop by and post a couple pics of my current grow.

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CDLC on the right and I'm thinking I may have pushed her too far as I'm seeing some fox tailing going on. She's at day 59 & both she and her neighbor got too much light in early veg & it stunted her, (before I downloaded a par app). Her neighbor is another nightmare fuk-up that I'll never do again. So same time I drop CDLC, I drop a Gorilla Glue, and she sprouts but begins looking sickly ... so my dumb azz drops anther GG bean maybe 2 inches from the sickly baby, (thinking I'll wait and cull the weaker one). That never happen and now I got 2 sisters in 1 5 ga pot. I mean I bent them in opposite directions the best way I could and it was pretty easy to trim and keep em separate until they started putting on size. So lesson learned. Also, I have 1 other girl pictured below. She's a Cash Crop Auto, (3/4 Northern Lights), and I ran her last grow and all my friends loved it. She's the biggest girl but she's the furthest behind at day 45. :peace: :pass:

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Don't look bad at all to me!
But yeah, a Nettle thatch in the easement sounds like a great home defense measure, in case two dogs barking like psychopaths (including my "Texas Pyrenees" who given they're meant to fend off bears, coyotes/coywolves, boars, etc has zero fear and would absolutely rip a home invader to shreds) isn't enough.
Man all I did was trim them double grape buds over my trimbin and got this pile in bottom left of pic!

Once I was done trimming I took the leaf trash and just mashed it into the screen and rubbed it back and forth for a few minutes and got a nice pile!:headbang:

I'll more than likely take the brick edgers I replaced with stone in the front bed/fruit patch and set up beds for each "weed" in the backyard. Gotta dig up the rest of the red tips, the last two azaleas, and do something with the damn Camilla "tree" in the back too, as well as break down the bunny hutch that I no longer have bunnies for and put down all the pavers over the ugly concrete slab. Planning on backfilling the few inches of height that the pavers/edgers will give us with topsoil/compost/pumice but considering I don't have a tiller and what a chore double digging the 10'x20' bed out front was I'm going to let the "weeds" do the bulk of the heavy lifting when it comes to reconditioning the soil over the summer this year. Need to address some drainage issues as well, which is going to require some grading to redirect the flow of water towards the easement instead of just being standing water or going into the neighbors yards. Though, I think a lot of that issue is caused by the terrible "soil" conditions out there. I say soil in quotes cause its just so far beyond dead dirt at this point. Mostly just hard packed earth that blows a bunch of dust around in the wind. I will say, the area where my tomatoes and other veg were planted did pretty ok, but only cause I dumped like 6" of FFOF over the whole area before I planted. Left all of it as is at the end of the season in a lazy chop and drop mulch sort of way in hopes of adding organic material to the soil and returning some of the minerals that they pulled up from below. The tomato thicket was INSANE with veg growth but put out minimal fruit, which I'm assuming was either due to the N content of the FFOF or cause the juvenile possum I spotted out there was snagging everything before I could get to it lol. Pretty sure he had made himself a nice little hidey-hole in the thicket.
That reminds me I need to go spread some winter cover crop seeds out in the front bed and in the backyard once the stupid snow melts lol. I'd toss it out there now but I just remembered the snow exists and I figure that probably won't work too well between it being snow and also the fact that the birds would probably try to make off with all the seeds lol. May be too late in the season to worry with it but I figure it won't hurt anything. May even get some radishes out of the deal if they take lol.
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