Try keeping your sanity after 4 days in temps above 120*F with no sleep fueled by pharmaceutical amphetamines. That was the first time I had been ordered to take such meds, but the job had to be done. What a fuggin' crash! Staying up that long and in that kind of heat, made for a rough recovery after my crash was over.
I think you need to explore making yourself some sleepytime meds. If you have dry ice available to you, you could make hash to get it more accurate dosage in some sort of edible. Or get an Ardent FX to decarb and infuse. Last year they had a great sale on their machines. Let a girl go "Auntie Amber" and use it to make your meds. I'm going to do that with the Stomper I pollinate for seeds. I'll let her go long to make sure the seeds mature properly. I'll use that bud to make dedicated sleep meds.
I need it! I'm still up!