Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '22

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@Suki813 - I'll second WildBills suggestion on the Ardent machine. I make a bit of oil for my patient and it's all been apparently, knock out juice. It's a bit spendy for the unit initially but it works great and is very set-it and forget-it. We've found plain MCT oil works wonderfully. It's liquid at room temp and doesn't need to be in the fridge. Decarb and infusion will net you more out of the flower than smoking or vaping. We definitely need one of those T-check devices as a couple times it was way too strong.
@Suki813 - I'll second WildBills suggestion on the Ardent machine. I make a bit of oil for my patient and it's all been apparently, knock out juice. It's a bit spendy for the unit initially but it works great and is very set-it and forget-it. We've found plain MCT oil works wonderfully. It's liquid at room temp and doesn't need to be in the fridge. Decarb and infusion will net you more out of the flower than smoking or vaping. We definitely need one of those T-check devices as a couple times it was way too strong.
It's the most useful tool I've bought for fully utilizing the canna I've grown.
The couple oils I tried left bad taste / feeling on my tongue. The soxhlet extractor does better for me. High proof alcohol extract on a cookie and taste is gone by end of 2nd ( non infused) cookie.....1.5 to 2 hrs later I'm in sleepy land.
Was that made in an Ardent? The only time I get a slightly negative taste is using worked material from a dry ice shake. I assume that's from chlorophyll. The best tasting was from the hash from a dry ice shake.

I thought Soxhlet Extraction left a strong tasting product?
I've got a 1kilo tin of tuna...2 jars of mayo.....and loads of fresh duck eggs for boiling.........:chef:....add in that 1lb tomato and we can feed most of LS....if @WildBill shares his tatties........:eyebrows:

We love ole WildBill, but I'm not sure I want anything to do with his "tatties"

fun with linguistics...
Was that made in an Ardent? The only time I get a slightly negative taste is using worked material from a dry ice shake. I assume that's from chlorophyll. The best tasting was from the hash from a dry ice shake.

I thought Soxhlet Extraction left a strong tasting product?
Not sure how it made, Duaghters boyfriend gets it and he mentioned MCT oil....just done straight from the eye dropper and didn't like the slimy feel on my tongue. As far as strong tasting from the soxhlet I couldn't say cause the cookie covers it up except for the alcohol part.
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