Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '22

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Last fill was just after Xmas. This will hopefully get me most of the way though the summer since my furnace is also my water heater
Nice, I wish I could go that long between refills. If I’m lucky with it not being to cold and less wind a full tank will get me 3-4 week during the worst of it
Weather is getting warmer, bears are waking up. Daughter saw one behind the house the other day. Wonder if it’s him.
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9.43¢/kWh ... ugh terrible... nearly $7 for a full charge... oh.. oh right.... sorry.

No really though, that is a very hard increase for most working people to have to deal with. I do feel for everyone who is going to be soundly bashed over the head by this. It's ridiculous how fast it goes up without any real reason and nearly everyone has no alternative. Why not line the pockets of the oil industry further? I hope this helps push alternative fuels and electrification. Fossil fuels cannot last forever and drilling the last bit out of the ground to keep prices low is not something we should pursue.

It is quite in line with what that one Russian guy said: "You don't really care, you are just concerned your gas is up 0.50¢ in a week."
Chances are that 'lectrisity wuz made wif petrolum products. :biggrin:

Too many people don't realize that fact. Fewer still, know all the things we derive from petroleum. That's why the cost of a barrel of oil impacts the economy so damn hard, aside from the obvious increase in transportation of every single good in the household. It's also a huge driving factor of inflation, even more so than ridiculous amounts of spending by the govt. I definitely don't want to see the hyperinflation of the Carter era! Worst of all, rising fuel prices and inflation impacts the poor and the old on fixed income the most. The ones that can least afford it!

"We're gonna suck it dry!" has been shouted since I was a kid, but technology continues to find better ways of exploration and more effective means of extraction. We have quite the reserve in the US. Technology is making it more viable and extending our supposed timeframe of usage.

I am an advocate of alternative sources of energy. The government needs to support the research into it, but not subsidize it. I'd rather see the subsidy money spent on research. That's my biggest problem I have with the current direction we're being taken. Relying on the current alternatives to support the electric grid is asking for trouble. Ya just can't force viability! LOL!
Continued funding of research, NOT funding of companies, is a given and in some cases increased is warranted. Given our current state of technology, I think fusion is the best route to pursue. Honestly, I think it should be on the Manhattan Project scale, more if all nations were involved.

FYI.......None of this was directed at you. I'm just expounding on your post.:thumbsup:
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