Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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Good day to all. Hope everyone is doing well and those who have been experiencing pain have little or no pain today.
Question regarding a 50/50 coco/perlite mix.
IF you had to buy premixed coco what would you buy. This is just for my first grow in maybe July or August, will learn to make my own later. Also I would assume that I should rinse the coco mix. What would that rinse process look like?
As always thanks for sharing your knowledge.

Will this be your first grow with coco coir? I hope you have a good pH meter and a good EC/PPM meter. Coco requires maintenance. Once you are a few weeks in it is an everyday thing and into flowering a twice or thrice a day watering.

I have tried a couple different bags and did not notice much difference at all. If there is a place locally that carries bagged coco/perlite I would buy whatever they have. Shipping is ridiculous these days. I still consider myself very new and inexperienced with coco but have had some success.

So far I have used :

Cyco Coco Pearl

Mother Earth Coco

These are the only two I've tried so I can't speak to other brands. I would not sweat it as long as it's decently reputable company. Do look for pre-buffered. Not hard to do yourself, just depends how much work you want to do.

I always load my pots and "rinse" the new coco before using it. This removes a lot of coco dust and you can test the runoff to see how much buffering was used. The Cyco Pearl had very strong/high ppm in the initial runoff. The Mother Earth was far less. I mix up a light nutrient mix, seedling strength at 300-400ppm. I run that through the coco until the runoff reads in that range.

I should have a new run starting soon. I can definitely tag you in the thread and document everything from start to finish if you would like? I don't know that everything I do is correct but the results have been very nice.

Latest coco runs:

First page has a pic with my "rinse" routine. I try to list input pH/ppm and volume and then output volumes ph/ppm.

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