Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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That was my experience starting out too; I joined Roll It Up (Troll It Up) before I found AFN; everyone was BRUTAL on these other forums; like you dare not ask a question because you'll be made to feel like total scum.

Then I found AFN and instantly had mentors. The vibe was super chillin and everyone was just about autoflowers and growing them.
Same here, now I go over there everyonce in a while and steal a member! Inkaddict$ is one of my rescues!
That a puffco?

How does it rip?
shit i took that rip and started watching something. Yes puffco peak pro, i love it! It doesnt chuck clouds like a rig but def kicks my ass. nothing rips like a dab but you can come pretty close with higher temps. i mostly use it in the morning on lower temps to kinda open the lungs and get started. i also use it when i leave home and dont want to bring the whole rig set up, it comes with a travel case so thats handy. 30 seconds to heat up and you can set temp and how long it stays at that temp, perfect for bigger dabs or longer sessions.
Plant post lol

Lance leaved Coreopsis (aka tickweed)

Indian Blanket/Blanket Flower/Firewheel

Wild/wood geranium

Dwarf Crested Iris

Heartleaved Foamflower

Milkweed finally showing its head!

Celandine/wood/yellow wood poppy

Peppers, basil, dill

Bush cucumber

Peppermint and oregano
We pretty much grow strawberries for the birds and blueberries for the chipmunks since they always get to them before we do :wall:
Ive been goin out planting natives around my neighborhood. Ive planted wild strawberries everywhere, hoping they'll eat those and stay away from mine but I know that's just a dream
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