Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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Just remember those nematodes the instructions tell u to water pots before applying so u don’t want soil dried out! And if u water slow the bit that runs into rez will quickly be wicked back up!
Got thanks bro so maybe I won't remove the covers.. I hadn't read the instructions yet:doh: but fully understand about not letting the soil dry out :thumbsup::thanks::pass::d5:
This weekend, on each day (Saturday and Sunday,) we'll have 4 seed raffle giveaways going at once:

Gnome Automatics
TDubb's Shrubs
Brother Mendel's
Dream Beans
Just remember Dale u will need to heavily mix them toadies since u cant put much water in an EB and especially if its a JR!
I'll read the instructions now but if I'm understanding you correctly basically make it concentrated mix... Less water then they recommend?
Got thanks bro so maybe I won't remove the covers.. I hadn't read the instructions yet:doh: but fully understand about not letting the soil dry out :thumbsup::thanks::pass::d5:
Taking covers off will really only let top part of box dry out but down below it will stay saturated! :d5:
I'll read the instructions now but if I'm understanding you correctly basically make it concentrated mix... Less water then they recommend?
Yup exactly! Take 1 glass worth of water and put in microwave 60 seconds or so just to warm water up and when u mix them in they will dissolve right away! If not they can stay clumpy mixing heavy doses!
Almost time to go work for a few hours! I am going prepared tho! :eyebrows::cooldance:

Them llama pics are from the garden shop cuz i got me some more oly mountain fish compost and my 7gal pots came today so gonna empty the 4x4 tomorrow so i can scrub it down and dump the 10gal pots so i can amend soil and fill the 7’s! Wanna get the 4x4 rocking already! :headbang:
Ok so I read them got it pretty simple now if the pots are still pretty moist on the surface should I still water the soil first? but I must also mention they are day 8 almost to the start of week 3 two more days according to my calendar which is they're first top dressing and that has me thinking I should wait and apply them then or apply now and hold of on the top dress for a couple days doing mid to end of week 3 :shrug: any and all input is greatly appreciated :d5::thanks:



Mephisto Double Grape


Mephisto Walter White


Night owl Outlier Z

No room for a hammond :( .... one day ..... I'm gonna buy a hammond C or B3

..Just get rid of a couple of chairs lol
I have my grandmothers 73 Hammond organ “church” edition … not sure the model but sliders and percussion with Leslie rotating speaker and vol/swell, bass pedal array. Double tier keys.
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