Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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@blue - Have you hidden your post with the llama from your post history? I browsed your recent activity and searched several threads for posts by you but nothing!
No that would have been too easy for the savvy forum dwellers to cheat with (from past experience :rofl: )

I've edited someone elses post silently (it won't show as an "edited post" ) and it won't be in my posting history.
Jesus - I post a lot of goats and llammas hahhaa


No that's not the one - the hidden one has a spoiler tag marked Llama and is identical to the picture in the competition thread.

I'll repost the clues before posting the last clue and (hopefully) giving the game away

1. “Are you pondering what I am pondering?” (google it)
2. "I've put clues in the competition thread ........"rather than hidden in live stoners
3. It's got a Label on the spoiler tag called "Llama"
Keep it open a little longer plzzzzz x

We've reached a compromise with the participants - it's staying open until 4:20 (or as close to i can with travelling) when it'll be closed

Go go go! Quick .. get that artwork IN! :D
Thanks me too @Mossy . Wherever I am when I get the smell of peonys in my head im right in my backyard. They're 59 years old this year. My grama planted them the spring after we moved in, i end having to tie them back like 5 times a year. Aunty's tryna cut out half but i aint doin it so that means they stay :muahaha:
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@blue think i got it
MedCzech’s ManCave ☮️✌️🪴🪴

Dried buds from Mango Smile are in the Grove bag!!

And the final weight is…


That’s been tared. So with a couple grams already vaped up, that’s close to 75 grams. That just a touch more than I thought she would be. Considering we lost her main bud, she could have gotten to 90 grams, and for this strain in organic growing conditions, I am happy😊👍

Take care y’all ☮️✌️
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