Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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I wish the rain would come in. Im done with my part of this dig and i can't start any other jobs til tomorrow. I can just walk home and wait for someone to flood with these spring rains instead of standing in the wind. Its kinda warm out but that icy wind is brutal, my eyeballs are frozen.
Hoping rain starts here soon! Got 30-40% chance all day so its freaking 84% humidity out at the moment! Also supposed to gee up to 86f out and currently over 70 already and only 9am!
I run my fans 24/7…no chance of letting any powdery mildew or moisture driven issues.
I have always run the fans 24/7.
Fo sho! Cost of 1 of them fans is waaaay less then cost of a lost harvest if mold or something hits! I say charge it to da game and keep them babies spinning! ;) :rofl:

@Son of Hobbes Video’s are doing again they were fine then I came back in and all of sudden they show this and can’t click on them to type that I’m not a robot.. I assume it is something in the YouTube end not here? :dammit::oops1:
View attachment 1585035

I logged out and back in twice still doing it but they work fine if viewing as a guest

On iPhone
Turn phone sideways into landscape mode and u will see box to type in! It didn’t actually work yesterday typing it in tho! ;)
Good Morning, Afternoon and/or evening to all. Today in Phoenix it will be clear and 81. Damn you all post a lot while I’m asleep. Girls are enjoying the tent at 78.5 degrees 63% humidity and 1.17 VPD. I’ve recovered from my desert landscaping work Monday so time to get out and abuse myself some more.

Happy 4/20 eve to all and make sure you keep an eye out for Gelbin.

In the land of Azeroth, where magic reigns free, And the gnomes live in peace, as happy as can be, There lived a little gnome, so clever and wise, Whose name was Gelbin, and he brought a surprise.

Now Gelbin loved 4/20, it was his favorite day, When all the cannabis smokers came out to play, And so he decided, with glee in his heart, To spread some good cheer, and play a small part.

With a sack full of gifts, and a grin on his face, Gelbin set out on his journey, at a steady pace, He visited every smoker, both far and near, And left them a present, to spread some good cheer.

To the first smoker he met, he gave a new bong, And the smoker's eyes widened, as he sang a little song, To the second, he gave a bag of fine weed, And the smoker exclaimed, "This is just what I need!"

To the third, he gave a pipe, made out of gold, And the smoker said, "Gelbin, you're so bold!", And to the fourth, he gave a box of brownies so sweet, And the smoker hugged Gelbin, as he rocked to the beat.

With each gift he gave, Gelbin felt so glad, To see the joy on their faces, it made him feel rad, And so he kept going, until the sun went down, Spreading his love, all around the town.

When his task was done, and his gifts all gone, Gelbin returned to his home, with a yawn, He knew that he had made so many people happy, And that thought made him feel so sappy.

So every year, on 4/20, Gelbin appears, Bringing presents to smokers, and spreading good cheers, And if you're lucky enough to see him, don't be afraid, Just give him a smile, and a big high-five, and say,

"Thank you, dear Gelbin, for all that you do, You're the High Tinker of cannabis, and we all love you!"
Went to check the error log to see if there's problem fetching/embedding the YouTube media and.... there's no errors.

Which is AWESOME!

Hey. Everyone! No errors (pointing at myself.) Fuckin A.
Hoping rain starts here soon! Got 30-40% chance all day so its freaking 84% humidity out at the moment! Also supposed to gee up to 86f out and currently over 70 already and only 9am!
Careful what you wish for it started raining here now turned to snow :yoinks::nono::deadhorse:
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