Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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I hear tell that if the live trap is low enough that they can't lift their tail, they can't spray?
Yeah but the problem is they turn around and spray you as soon as you let them walk out of the trap and you gotta kinda hold the door open by hand to let them out. The adults will usually warn you before they spray so I keep a tarp to put in front of me. But the young ones will just turn around really quick out of nowhere and let it fly :crying: And yet I'm still forever searching for skunky weed :pass:
Yeah, I love the smell of skunky weed, I never know if somebody ran over a skunk though.
I can remember the good ol days of wondering if somebody hit a skunk or if there was weed growing on the corn field :lol: Still looking for that weed
Yeah, I love the smell of skunky weed, I never know if somebody ran over a skunk though.
Pretty sure I'm gonna try to make a skunk auto from scratch, if you'd like to check out my latest thread. Probably gonna take a couple years, but I grew up on skunk and it's very sentimental to me for a million memories. Like trying to recreate grandma's cooking kinda thing
Time to call it, all you party animals have a great night, and party on :headbang:
Me too dabbing and passing out pretty sure it’s going to be a wet day tomorrow it started raining now :doh::lildab::sleeping::sleeping::sleeping::sleeping::sleeping::sleeping::sleeping::sleeping::sleeping:


My bro is puking off the dabs of 99 skunks it’s tasty :drool::baked::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Me too dabbing and passing out pretty sure it’s going to be a wet day tomorrow it started raining now :doh::lildab::sleeping::sleeping::sleeping::sleeping:
I had to crank up the dehumidifier last night. The grow room hit 70% RH. I hadn't run it since last Fall. It's set on "continuous" and plugged into an Inkbird to keep it around 60% to dry out last night's Mephisto Sundae Thumper tester harvest:
MGST.1_day79.jpg MGST.1_day79_hang.jpg
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