Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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Good Morfnoevight All you Happy TGIF Live Stoners!

Tanlin vs neem oil vs insecticidal soap vs powdered bti vs canna cure?

Tanlin:Tanlin is an insecticide that offers several advantages. It is effective against various plant pests and provides long-lasting protection against insects. It can be used on a wide range of plants, making it versatile. However, it's important to note that Tanlin contains synthetic chemicals, which may not be suitable for organic gardening. Additionally, there is a risk of potential harm to beneficial insects, so caution should be exercised during application. Proper handling and application techniques are necessary to minimize risks associated with the use of Tanlin.

Neem oil:Neem oil is derived from natural neem tree seeds and has gained popularity as an effective insecticide. One of its main advantages is its broad-spectrum control, targeting a wide range of pests. It is considered safe for beneficial insects when used properly. However, neem oil may leave an oily residue on plants, which can be a drawback for some gardeners. Regular reapplication is often required to maintain continuous control, and certain formulations of neem oil may have a strong odor that some individuals find unpleasant.

Insecticidal soap:Insecticidal soap is an environmentally friendly option that is biodegradable. It is considered safe for most plants and can be an effective solution against soft-bodied insects like aphids and mites. However, it works through direct contact with pests, so thorough coverage is necessary for optimal effectiveness. Improper dilution or application of insecticidal soap may cause leaf burn. Additionally, heavy infestations may require repeated applications for complete control.

Powdered BTI (Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis):Powdered BTI is a targeted insecticide specifically designed to combat mosquito larvae. One of its significant advantages is its safety for use in water gardens and around aquatic life. It is easy to use and does not leave residues. However, it should be noted that powdered BTI has limited effectiveness against other pests. To achieve desired results, proper application and dosage are crucial. It is also important to keep in mind that powdered BTI has a short residual activity and may require frequent reapplication.

Canna Cure:Canna Cure is a product that acts as both an insecticide and a systemic treatment against fungal diseases. It offers advantages such as providing protection against pests and fungal infections. It leaves a protective film on the plant surface, enhancing defense. However, it contains synthetic chemicals and is not suitable for organic gardening. Similar to other insecticides, Canna Cure carries the risk of potential harm to beneficial insects. Additionally, if applied in direct sunlight or high temperatures, it may cause leaf burn. Following proper application guidelines and considering environmental factors is essential when using Canna Cure.

Remember, the effectiveness and suitability of these products may vary depending on various factors, including the specific pest and plant species, as well as the application method and dosage. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions and guidelines for the best results and to ensure safety during their use.

which is best??
Determining the "best" product depends on several factors, including the specific pest problem, the type of plant being treated, and personal preferences. Each product has its advantages and disadvantages, and what may work well for one situation may not be as effective for another. It's important to consider the nature of the pest, the potential impact on beneficial insects, the compatibility with organic gardening practices, and any specific requirements or limitations of your plants.
If you are looking for a broad-spectrum solution that targets various pests, neem oil could be a good choice. It is derived from natural sources and has a wide range of applications. However, if you specifically need to control soft-bodied insects like aphids and mites, insecticidal soap may be a better option.
For mosquito larvae control in water gardens or around aquatic life, powdered BTI is specifically designed for this purpose and is considered safe in those environments. But if you have a pest and fungal disease problem combined, Canna Cure offers dual protection as an insecticide and systemic treatment for fungal infections.
Ultimately, it is advisable to assess your specific situation, consider the pros and cons of each product, and choose the one that aligns with your needs, preferences, and the requirements of your plants. You may also consult with local gardening experts or extension services for further guidance on the most suitable product for your specific pest control needs.

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Well done but you left out one of my favorite pesticides to use on cannabis Spinosad.

Spinosad is a natural substance made by a soil bacterium that can be toxic to insects. It is a mixture of two chemicals called spinosyn A and spinosyn D. It is used to control a wide variety of pests. These include thrips, leafminers, spider mites, mosquitoes, ants, fruit flies and others.

The biggest drawback of spinosad that may deter home gardeners from using it is that it’s highly toxic to bees while the spray is wet. Timing is everything when it comes to spinosad. Bees are most active during the day, usually mid-morning to the late afternoon. Apply spinosad spray in the evening or very early morning to allow plenty of time to dry. The spray should take no more than three hours to dry completely.

Question for the group, if my AC Infinity 6" vent fan is advertised at 68wt, is that 68watts if your running it at full blast on the number 10 setting, and does that mean if your running it on the #3 setting its only drawing 20.4wt, or is it 68wt no matter the setting? I just always assumed it used less watts when run slower.

No it is not necessarily a linier relationship, it may take 45 watts to run at the lowest speed then 23 watts more to get to the highest speed. Get a watt meter they are cheap and very handy!
You may be surprised. Try this calculator:

Pretty crazy. But you're absolutely correct, they are going to have to figure out how to provide it without charging so much.
Buy an Aptera and never have to plug it in! 40 miles a day from the sun! :yay:
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I swear at least half of the users at my place would say that!
Mine had sticky notes with passwords stuck to the monitors :crying:
I never grew with them, only been growing like 2 1/2 years. I went led right away. Do you have to use a different array of bulbs, like red blue white etc?
I started growing September of 2019 and i was able to get 2 of the 6500k cfl spirals in store but when i went to put 2 bulbs oer fixture In January when i was trying to start perpetual plants in closet i had to go to a lightbulb depot warehouse place online to order more so i ordered 4 or 6 to be safe and only opened 1 or 2 before i stopped using them cuz got a second tent and light! Most i ever had over my 2 plants was 4 cfl lights! @420Forever and especially @Olderfart had many a cfl bulb setup! 1 still does i think! ;) :rofl:
were the budz airy tho-? in my experience, the plantz def luv em, but the overall intensity alwayz lacked, especially durin flower, and budz never did get rock hard as a rezult :shrug: ppp
Rock solid..but some hours under the sola probably helped. Very potent. Used the entire plant in a single pan of brownies. Hubby was fucked up for two days. No idea what I was doing. Very effective process and the one I continue to use. Hubby will no longer eat my brownies.
Weather won’t make up its mind! Started storming when i was mowing and after i came in and showered went to take a pic and it was literally sunny blue skies with no visible signs it rained and now 2hrs later storms are back!
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