Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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I find the hardest thing not to talk about is politics. When your young, u dont give a crap about it, as you get older it piss's you off to no end.
Apolitical here, don’t care either way.

That Rick Ocasek is a cheap ass freaking chisler. Did work on his house around chestnut hill as a plumbers helper. At the end of the job he thought he could screw my father in law out of his time and claimed he wasn't actually there working for the hours he billed. Luckily my father in law used to keep a "bible" for every hour he worked he noted the time and what he did. Even then that cheap fuck screwed him outta 1,500 bucks.
Whats with these rich assholes that have more money than God, they want the work done but at the end the don't wanna pay a poor working stiff for the job they agreed to? I mean it's not like they don't have the cash???
They don't flinch at the cost of importing marble tiles and sinks and fixtures from Europe to impress their friends ......
I personally have zero respect for rich jerks that screw trades people just outta principle
Mephisto's Sundae Thumper tester #1 has officially found her legs. I was a bit worried as it seems I'm plagued with dampening off issues at this stage ATM..

Anyone remember, who was that 1st time grower last year that came in for advice and had this massive room with like 60 plants. Wonder how that went?
Kinda, but haven’t seen anything since. Musta not followed it…
That thing had terrible landing gear if I remember correctly. Wasn't it designed for the Air Force? Those long runways at Air Farse bases don't heave and move around. Pretty easy to grease it! I sure as hell didn't see a lot of 'greasings' on that carrier. I did see a few, and it was fuggin awesome. Picture textbook perfect. A sight to see for sure.
McNamara. Never liked that guy. I wonder what his net worth was back then? I doubt if ALL his bullshit was because of the greed of power. Kinda something ya really didn't think much about back then. It should be your FIRST thought today!

A lot of the fascination is, naturally, the wings. In the model I built, the wings were the coolest part! When on display, I always had the wings full back! Although, the power of the plane is simply humbling. You sure AF know what plane is getting launched when those fuggin afterburners are lit! The very first time I was topside when one took off with me fairly close to the JBD, I got such a fuggin adrenalin rush!!!! You could describe it in minute detail and it won't be even close to what it's like to be there in the moment.
I could see where I'd like that environment. Stressful AF is a sure matter what colored shirt ya wore.
My cousin was just a little AB, I think he was designated. He hated it with a passion. LOL! He was a huge puss!

When we were changing ports, both crew and wing was FULL of damn newbs and almost all wogs. The Wing got HEAVY training between the air shows we gave to some S A countries. They ran simulation ops close to combat rate fervor. WOW! Best description....... Highly Organized And WELL Executed CLUSTER*CK!
F14'sgoing into afterburner is cool being a 4 stage system, but it doesn't hold a candle to the F8 Crusader that had a single stage AB, one big huge bang/explosion as it lit off!!!!
Alright, happy Sunday! Finally caught up on the reading. I guess stuff tends to happen when you’re not looking, lol. Missed a lot… someone got grounded for talking about projectile launchers…(guns) and mossy is taking a break… blue and Son of Hobbes are in charge. We are in good hands! good morning @blue, @Son of Hobbes , @Talonxracer ,@Lil Dab , @Suki , #everyon#everyonee day is wonderful for y’all.
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