Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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I'm thinking they're in the same room lol

....and i'm thinkin they're in each other'z lap, uzin the same phone...........but, i digress :rolleyes2: ppp
If you guys ever see a Mrs Hotfire in here, the jig is up it was nice knowing yall. :crying:
She wants to start growing and we're having a grow off with GSC a 3x2 in one gal pots....she has alot to learn...I like it she's taking the time to be here on afn....
She wants to start growing and we're having a grow off with GSC a 3x2 in one gal pots....she has alot to learn...I like it she's taking the time to be here on afn....
Hell yeah! Lol this is my escape so I can't say I feel ya but family can talk shit to each other and not be personal that's why I love it here. Feels like I'm with the extended high ass fam.
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