Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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I love to smoke weed and eat cannabis edibles and I don't tell the doc anything. Alot of my life I could'nt because of the dreaded piss test at work never flunked won Smoke when I could and would stop when I could'nt
If you could see a x;ray of my body you would crap like the docs do when I need broken ones fixed from racing Over 50 screws and plates and I feel great :bighug:

Mmmm homemade coookiez. Need me a cold glass of some 2% milk with them.

Started over many times :bighug:
I still got my 5x5 2x2 3x2 tents...I'm good...plenty of room still....but that 8x8 ac infinity tent is going to be massive with the 8in cloudline and 69 control....Marshydro fc8000
I’m honest with the docs…..and they’re government docs (va). They can kiss my ass if they’ve got a problem with my chosen method of medicating. I tried it their way….and it didn’t work.
I do in certain situations. I tell my psychiatrist about it and how I use it. That's because I use it as a mood regulator (as opposed to a stabilizer). Every time I try to cut back, I have another depressive episode. I call it a "regulator" because weed has its own mood that comes prepackaged. The heavy, sedative effect afterwards also serves as a stabilizer for the next day. I just have to watch out that the euphoria doesn't cause too much rumination.
Not to mention with Obama care or whatever its called in your state, HIPPA laws don't apply. It was never apart of the bill nor was it intended to be.
Yes it does still apply! I had insurance thru the marketplace while i was seeing pain docs and i always had to sign a records release for each doctor they wanted records from! Even xrays or bloodwork outside the lab u have to pre authorize which doctors it will get released to if u are referred to a secondary clinic from your main doctor!
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