Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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Do u have the regular or the mini one? I need new coils for that wax pen but not a fan of the coils on these regardless how hard they hit so was considering grabbing a mini unicorn! Don’t have $200 to spare on the full size but i could swing the cost of the mini if it works good!
I have the full size Unicorn and only use the quartz cup style coil.
The roller coaster continues, but things are trending upward. I had a conversation on Tuesday with my boss about why I've been having issues getting things done. He wasn't very receptive, but he also admitted that he didn't understand or have experience with things like depression and bipolar disorder. He started on that "I've learned to compartmentalize my emotions to get through tough times." I told that I'm pretty good at that as well, but I've been dealing with a defective unit all this time.

We met again this morning and I asked him if it would be OK to drop back to half-time while I concentrate on mental health self-care. He responded that this was a smart decision. Such a relief! In other news, he loved the data model I had been working on. I was certain he would hate it, but I guess that was my anxiety talking.

It really helped that I got my first full night's rest in about a month so I was fully present in the meeting. I wish I could bottle this feeling.
Thanks again @Mossy, @Zaaboot, and @Redeye Master!

Was in Portugal in March and really liked it. Since we're stoners, I'll remind you that both of you commented on my posts about it.... :haha: Posted a couple pics of me surfing etc...
We met a lawyer Lisbon and had drinks/dinner him and his wife a couple times. Picked his brain about moving there and talked to quite a few expats about them moving there just to feel it out. Like you said Zaaboot, there are lots of incentives for business and restoration. Will probably be back there in the fall or after the first of the year. Want to be in Nazare in January and really liked Lisbon as it's very similar to San Francisco area where I used to live. A rural area north of Lisbon on the coast would definitely work for us. Would just have work out some logistics and taxes. Coming from the US, the taxes are much higher!!! A really good lawyer and accountant in different countries is a MUST!

Thanks again!
Here is a pic showing the two lighting control and power units for my LED lights. The larger one is the 20 channel(1 led strip = 1 channel) unit, and the smaller is 4 channel. I can't finish the smaller unit until my current bonsai is harvested due to utilizing the controller for it's lights
Yeah.....I was told UK-er's need to understand that manuana doesn't Mean Simply Means Not Today............:crying:

Makes a Lot more sense now....huh....?................:headbang:

If you ever get the go ahead...keep me informed........:pass:

I Honestly Thought Spain was pushing towards Decriminalising...until a Political shift a few years ago...when they Closed Dinafem down......:nono:
In Latin America the Spanish word for "now" (ahora) is most often used to mean "later." Spain too?

If you really mean "right now" you have to say "ahora mismo" or "ya," or "ya mismo." It sill might be understood as mañana.
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