Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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Good Morfnoevight All you happy Caturday Live Stoners!

a cool cat.png

Farm Market:greencheck:

Mow the lawn:greencheck:

Broadcast the Kelp and Humic Acid on the lawn:greencheck:

Grocery Shopping:greencheck:

Turn the racoon chaser off first :greencheck:Water the potatoes:greencheck:

I forgot to turn off the garden night patrol yesterday and got wet instantly :haha:
This motion sensor sprinkler even keeps the birds away from the garden. I will know better by the end of the season but so far it seems to work a treat. Just don't forget to turn the water off before trespassing.

So I spotted this "Beer Can" style roasting pan in the grocery store today and I thought it might work for the turkey breast I am going to smoke on the Weber today. I always use a drip pan so I can make gravy. This might work better? I will let you all know. I like to use Pinot Grigio on the turkey?

Just left garden center #2 and one of the workers there was wearing a Twenty20 T shirt.. I complemented on it and he just looked at me and smiled said “thanks”:toke::headbang::crying:
Edit: this wasn’t any type of cannabis shop.. Just regular old garden place
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