Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '22

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It was around 5 bucks a gallon at one point in 08, in your area…..I remember vividly because I had just bought a house 45 minutes from work and deeply regretted it once gas prices skyrocketed lol
I remember it being nearly that high in 2010 in Bethesda cause I nearly ran out of gas on 95 getting to a drs appt up at the hospital there while I was pregnant with #1.
Just put a bucket over her to corral her if you don't actually need to move her for work. They are very territorial and it will move back to it's hole if at all possible.

You tackle a big job just like eating an elephant - one bite at a time and it does not matter if you start with a trunk, ear or tail. :rofl:
Its the ADHD lol, unless I can see what "done" looks like I can't work backwards to make a plan to act on :rofl: that being said, I did get it all out of the way at least so I could go feel the space lol. Which, sure, only consisted of stacking the stuff I'm definitely keeping to the side and chucking the rest over the doggy gate and into a heap on the other side but its progress and now I can think at least :rofl:

Texted hubby and told him we're renting a pickup on Tuesday, wheelbarrowing everything around to the front, and doing one big dump run cause I'm tired of the fact that I know its there giving me anxiety.

Lost sight of my friend for a bit but I spotted her again! I think she ended up following the junk pile for now. Hubby will have to deal with the majority of it cause we have a ton of black widows and I'm not into all that lol.

Also, are these potatoes? If so I'm very confused cause I never planted potatoes back here so unless one of the dogs snatched a "ball" from the kitchen trash and buried it I have no clue where they came from lmao!

If they are im not sure what to do with them, since they're pretty much right where one of the beds was going to go :rofl:
Dude. Sick!!! Thats what I want to do some day. Im only 36 now so I got time. Just paid our house off a year ago but really want solar power as well. Thats nice bud!!!
Solor was one of the first things we did when we bought last year!
Thanks, We are in our third year and my timing was very good indeed. The payment is $265 on the solar system. If I paid for my Kwh with PG&E now it would be over $325. a month average. So I am $60 to the good and PG&E will have two price increases this year alone. The battery was 10K and it really did not pencil out. I use a CPAP at night and getting up to fire up the generator in the middle of the night during a power failure is no fun. So I bought the battery. The bonus is it will run my grow room without issue :pass:
Ours is $110/month but the company that did our install pays us $100/month to have their banner across our balcony facing the main road :rofl:
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