So….stoner story time

this was about an hour ago….
So, there I am….lost in the land of strange and deep thought that can only be brought on by the combination of a psilocybin micro dose, a nice pair of joints, and a shower. I reach up, grab my loofah, get it all soapy and go to work. There’s soap on my face, in my eyes, every place….including the floor of the shower. All of the sudden, something is sliding down my back….struggling against the stream of water…lower, lower, lower….I’m trying to get the soap outta my eyes to see, something is on the back of my leg….? HOLY FUCK!

It’s a scorpion! Before I realize what I’m doing I GRAB this fucking thing and fling it away….now I’m doing the soap footed tap dance inside the shower trying to stay away from this thing, while trying not to fall….there’s a strange noise being emitted from my mouth that sounds something like a grunting scream….I finally make it through the shower curtain, only to be met by a hundred pound American bulldog who thinks it’s playtime….so now I’m trying to find the traction to get up in the soapy wetness that’s the bathroom floor, the dog thinks he’s in trouble because I shoved him out the door and slammed it, I’m in shock and awe at every thing that just happened, and honestly don’t know how I managed to not get stung… ultimately, I won that war, and mr. scorpion is sleeping with the fishes….er, well, he took a ride down the toilet anyway.

So, yea, that’s been my caturday