Once he leaves for work I'll go back out there and set the edger bricks to fill the gap between the last column of pavers and the neighbor's driveway, and put in the bed edgers along "their" flower bed side of the pavers. Going to hold off on putting in the marble rock until after I get the poly sand down on Sunday. There's a reason I try to get as much done as I can on my projects while he's not here.
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the help, especially in terms of the donkey work, but I *hate* how he thinks me needing him to do the heavy lifting means I don't know how to get the things done. I get it, he's done this stuff professionally before but that was also 20+ years ago and I always make sure to research the correct methods for doing the things I want to do. Funny thing is, when he saw me pushing sand under the pavers to fix the slight wiggle I had on the first one he was like "that's how the old guys always did it" which was a bit of a

cause when it comes to trade type work the elders often are the ones with the most effective methods of doing things.
He told me today when he was having his little hissy fit over the first paver that if I wanted it perfect I should have hired someone and I was just like dude its not hard to get it perfect if you do it right from the beginning. We didn't even have to lift a single one that I leveled, at most they just needed a smidgen of sand smooshed under the far corner that I couldn't reach with my guide and a solid tamp or two on the center of the paver to get it solid. That first paver came up at least half a dozen times before it went down correctly.
The funny part about it is that I generally don't mind if its not 100% perfect but I know HE will, which would mean taking every one up like we did Monday to fix them. He would complain about it for weeks or months and never actually fix it until I took the initiative to start fixing it. Any time we do something and he says "we can always fix it later" I try my best to make sure it gets done correctly cause I'm fully aware of how its gonna go

I'm just like why do the same thing multiple times when we could just do it right the first time and move on? Then the time we would have to spend fixing things can be spent on a different project instead lol. I guess he just gets fed up with them and just wants to be done once he gets to a point so he like half asses it so he can call it done
Still holding out hope that one day he'll realize I do indeed know what I'm doing/talking about and will start listening lol. Its funny cause he always tells me how smart I am and tells everyone I'm the smartest person he knows lol. May just be a matter of pride idk.