Me either....

...I was winding you know what they say...the further North you are the less you Support I'm staying true to type....
Never Quite sure with you Southern Softies........

Sorry what was that you said luv?? Your accent is a bit strong like!
I Was Hoping so......

...when we do US ones we have
@420Forever and
@Mañ'O'Green to Rely on...
When we get a Europe are Probably going to have to be my Wing Man.......
Happy to oblige,I'm always happy to help out in the forums!
Scared the Crap out of a few of them too...

...most sites you couldn't have a Live QA session with vendors without it ending up in a blood bath/spamming most were Bloody Nervous...until they got to Know us....
Hehe yeah I could imagine some of them looking like they were going to lay an egg!

I remember having the Globals there to make sure it didn't all kick off!
However our members are the best and 99.9% of the time did us proud, the rapport between members and the interviewees was a beautiful thing, we all got on like a house on fire!
We also had some unexpected good things happen too, it was the first time I remember meeting @st.tom a valuable addition to the AFN family!
Me being interviewed on the other hand, well that was a surreal thing, I never in my life expected something like to happen to me. I may have not been as nervous as some of the vendors but being in the hot seat, light shining on you definitely is a sphincter tightening moment.
Mix..Welcome to our Home...bring a Multiverse Bud if you have them..Win some Multivers seed if you don't...But 2 HOURS....
An hour before for warm Hour Live Vendor....gentle....see how it goes.
I Did Love those LS times......

Welcome to our home (was gonna @ you in but don't know forum name) but welcome none the less

Always a Fine balancing act...and it has been a policy for Years...But...we only recruit Active vendors for AFN.
If they can't give up 1 hour per week MINIMUM to Visit sort problems..give advice..and show a bit of appreciation for the growers...we don't Need them....

You get back what you put in...IMO...

It's gotta be a two way street, you support us and we support you. One hand washes the other and everybody is happy!