Hmmm me Gweedy?
I'm not a royalist and that jubilee weekend, will most probably see me heading for the hills with my tent!
I wish to be as far from it as possible!
Me either....

...I was winding you know what they say...the further North you are the less you Support I'm staying true to type....
Never Quite sure with you Southern Softies........

As for parties and interviews on AFN, well that will have completely the opposite effect on me and you can count I will be there!
I Was Hoping so......

...when we do US ones we have
@420Forever and
@Mañ'O'Green to Rely on...
When we get a Europe are Probably going to have to be my Wing Man.......
AFN was such an innovator with the the live interviews and they were awesome, I loved them and I think the interviewees did to!
Scared the Crap out of a few of them too...

...most sites you couldn't have a Live QA session with vendors without it ending up in a blood bath/spamming most were Bloody Nervous...until they got to Know us....
o be honest I didn't realize that the party was going to be like that, I just thought it was an AFN shindig!
Mix..Welcome to our Home...bring a Multiverse Bud if you have them..Win some Multivers seed if you don't...But 2 HOURS....
An hour before for warm Hour Live Vendor....gentle....see how it goes.
I Did Love those LS times......

I hope we do see a return to chatting/partying with our vendors a bit more regularly, I think it is good for AFN and the vendors!
Always a Fine balancing act...and it has been a policy for Years...But...we only recruit Active vendors for AFN.
If they can't give up 1 hour per week MINIMUM to Visit sort problems..give advice..and show a bit of appreciation for the growers...we don't Need them....
You get back what you put in...IMO...