@Bill.de.Cat ..is it you that dabbles in the stock markets...?
The bank called us in yesterday to discuss investing in stocks..but my feeling is after covid we'll have a stock market crash..... ....am I just being a Wuss...?
Here are a couple of number plates and an advert on a bin, that yours truly took!
They made me chuckle!
Van number plate Eco 4 Poo
Electric scooter number plate Cums (cum5)
This sign is supposed to say "Waste today - Energy tomorrow"! But to me it read "waste energy today - tomorrow.
What really made me laugh is there is a spot light shining on the bin, wasting energy!
I photographed this on my way home after a shrooming trip last autumn in the middle of no where and I just found it!
Monday i weed wacked the ditch, and did sometin to me hip again.. So i took it easy the rest of the day. Yesterday, went to get a 30 pound bag of WC at the hydro shop, lifted the bag and fell on the floor Right leg literally collapsed on me Young dude comes over and picks the bag up, says "this ain't heavy" and i sayz just wait 30 years an you will flash back to this moment Then he carried the bag to me rig for me
So now back to doing butt puckers n knee exercises n ice At least i know what to do this time :smoking:
Oh yea, i took the ladder down butz the metalpecker doesn't mind it laying on ground.. he still does his drumming every morning
Have you ever bought some new seeds and forgot about the ones you bought 6 months ago?
I haven't been able to grow for 6 months and I totally forgot I had these.
There are quite a few freebies here and a lot of the packs here are singles but still funny as I recently ordered more seeds!
Just as well I'm planning a guerrilla grow but now the choice has become some what more difficult as to which strains to choose!
Monday i weed wacked the ditch, and did sometin to me hip again.. So i took it easy the rest of the day. Yesterday, went to get a 30 pound bag of WC at the hydro shop, lifted the bag and fell on the floor Right leg literally collapsed on me Young dude comes over and picks the bag up, says "this ain't heavy" and i sayz just wait 30 years an you will flash back to this moment Then he carried the bag to me rig for me
So now back to doing butt puckers n knee exercises n ice At least i know what to do this time :smoking:
Oh yea, i took the ladder down butz the metalpecker doesn't mind it laying on ground.. he still does his drumming every morning
Hope it gets better soon @Kyote....I've started the beach walks again and my hips feel as if they are going to drop out...but I'm hoping it is just muscular after lockdown etc....and it will get better the more I do.....
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