Mmmmmm.....debauchery would be buying a pack of Cafe Cream ceegars...hollowing them out a bit and Loading them........ just sayin...
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@arty zan ......

...everytime you have a Craving for tobacco...have sex.......nothing scientific.............but...It Worked for hubby.....

...and he has never looked back.
Do you know if hubby gets a bit of my tobacco mixed in his smoke..he gets a Body Buzz off the tobacco....

...he Knows immediately that he has been caught....full body buzz nicotine high.....
Do you not save your leaf trim as an alternate joint stuffer to tobacco...that's what I do for hubby if he wants a joint...dried and cured same as the Bud...Much better than herbal tobacco alternatives...
BTW...tobacco/nicotine cravings can be Beaten by raising your metabolism......

....if you raise your lose the Cravings....
I have indeed hollowed cafe creme cigars.
I used to use Philly blunts, a little tip is to remove the thin layer of tobacco leaf on the exterior as this makes the smoke bitter.
Phillys are not a high quality cigar, they are made with a tobacco paper inner, which is then wrapped in a thin leaf, to make them look like a legit cigar!
When making a weed blunt you traditionally slit the cigar, empty it and then roll as you would with a joint.
In my neck of the woods, a hollowed out cigar is called a "Goddy", named after the fat cigars smoked in the Godfather.
I guess a cafe creme could be called a mini goddy.
The largest Goddy I made contain 3/16 Oz (5.25 grams) of weed, me and my girl at the time smoked it together it took a long time to get through it, we smoked it near Wookey Hole in a small wood. We coughed quite bit and when we walked out of the wood we realized that we weren't that far from a filed where around 15 families were having a picnic after having visited the caves of Wookey Hole.
The smell of weed floating through the air must have made quite a stink!
We were totally shit faced and as such I have never bothered to make another Goddy that size again!
I have no problems kicking the tobacco habit, all I have to remember is I will have flu like symptoms for 3 days.
Tobacco and weed together, is so nice but I use my weed too fast, which is why I abstain from smoking tobacco regularly.
Which is why I allow myself a tobacco spliff holiday once a year!
I use hemp blunt wraps and hemp bunt tubes, you get a bigger blunt and no tobacco!
I need no excuses to have sex, that's always on the menu!
Leaf and trim get made in to Canna butter, which I make canna butter caps with.
I only smoke joints with baccy in because I enjoy the baccy weed mix, baccy give the smoke that extra something as hubby will atest to!
I like to vape my weed or have a bong/pipe, vaped weed gives you all the terpene flavors, especially at lower temps.
I have of course saved and cured leaf for joints in the past but it's not really my thing, a joint has to have baccy.
The best thing about a blunt is that it is all weed!