Alright alright alright... SSSC reships arrived...
The same day my fb Afghan Kush popped up lol.
Think I'll throw one of these in my autopots since they already get big... Why not.
I usually run HF and blend in about 1/4 Black Kow manure and perlite.....this round I finally got 1 of those bad bags with a LOT of peat and it just wasn't working. too damn I carefully depotted the ones that were in pots, poured it back into the bin and remixed with a bag of Scott's potting soil and more BK till it would take water, then repotted everything...
page #420! and well, me eyez are still barely open for the day, lol , but i'm awake enuff to remember that it'z me growbro'z 70th today, sooooo -> Happee Birthday @Kyote woot! ppp
Wife's blood work done, getting too hot to do much outside, inside work done....might head to the local today.
Edit:: no man bits showing yet, so the girls are safe.
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