Aw....Bless them
@WildBill ........

...definite sign of Spring...............
I call it laying with any stray Tom..............well, no Dick and Harry, just Tom.

Never seen him before and haven't since.
Prissy should have her kittens any day too. Maybe she'll throw some different kittens.
He didn't tag Twisty for some reason. She got her name because when called for food, she would weave her way thru the uprights on the railings on the porch. She did that for months and then just stopped.
The Tom was a 'patches' cat. He had short hair patches of white, Grey tabby Orange tabby and a patch of brindle.
Haven't checked this morning if she kept them in the box I made her with a little throw rug in it. It did get down to 47*F overnight.
At least I did, eventually, get a little over 6hrs of sleep last night!
Spot is still in the box to the right of my bedroom window. I handled all the little boogers yesterday to get them used to my smell. At least it won't be too hard to socialize them, if she keeps them there, Very fat, healthy and strong kittens.
The goal today is to get the growroom close to ready. Just gonna try to place the 4x4 in a better position to get 3 side access. With the photo girls going in there that will need support in flower, I'm gonna have to use nets. I don't want to put the dresser or chest of drawers in the shop. They are Mom and Pops about 70yrs old bedroom furniture I refinished. I had a big beach towel over Mom's dresser. Makes a great platform to work and examine the girls.

Gonna put up some Panda film over the window for some extra insurance for light leaks coming in and since it will be night when working in the room, light showing in the window. The window is on the front of the house. It does stand out a little bit, even with the blinds.
Dunno if I can make it any better. The portable A/C is the biggest restriction. Naturally it has to be by the window. I really don't want to lose the closet, but I may have to move the dresser in front of it.
I need a growroom in the shop!!!!!
Time for the second cup of java!
Have a nice day AFN!!!!!!!!