Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '22

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My problem girls in the 2x4 I think has an iron def and I assume it's from a pH problem. No idea why. I guess it's transitory with it on new growth.
This is what it looks like, just not as drastic. A search show this to be iron def, but another search says iron def starts opposite end of the tip.

This is what another site says is iron def

Which is it?
My problem girls in the 2x4 I think has an iron def and I assume it's from a pH problem. No idea why. I guess it's transitory with it on new growth.
This is what it looks like, just not as drastic. A search show this to be iron def, but another search says iron def starts opposite end of the tip.

This is what another site says is iron def

Which is it?
Why don’t you post pics of your plants and let us take a look? :pass:
Yes we did and we got it for asking price, our solicitor caught the estate agents break the law so they sold it to us.
They had be using us as a kind of insurance policy but doing a sort of back hander with developers at the auctions. On the day of the auction our solicitor found out that they hadn't had the energy efficiency ratings done which is a legal requirement when going to auction. They where very quick to give it to us. Also they had been lying to the owner that the family of 4 next door wanted to buy for asking price. Shevwould have said yes straight away. She even wrote a letter of apology to our solicitor.
Basically a shit show and our solicitor is worth every penny we paid.
Here solicitors are annoying fucks that coming knocking on your door about nonsense!

Now do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior Jesus Christ! :rofl::deadhorse:


I call them door to door Jesus salesmen! :haha::crying:
Why don’t you post pics of your plants and let us take a look? :pass:
I was just trying to see which is actually an iron def before I move on and post her in the infirmary.
Here's what she looks like in natural light outside.
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