Suki-pup has become quite a stoner pup lately... every time I turn on my solo she makes a beeline for this spot, and when I go to exhale she all but sticks her nose in my mouth
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My good friend, that lived in Phoenix, had two older dogs that actually begged for their hits. He had told me abiut it many times, but I hadn't seen first hand. The next time I was over, they had the dogs in the garage, where they smoked.
My friend and I were passing one and his wife was making up hers. That's where dogs were, just watchful, but least
I was three hits into some really good Blue Dream. Yeah, I remember the strain,
I don't know what was their 'trigger', not verbal for sure, but they came to attention and would alternate in their 'begging routine'. I just about fell outta my chair! They were fairly cute begging, but the alternating blew it over the top. I had to stand up to try and catch my air better......................and then the 'standing up' rush hit!!! JeBUS!!!!!!!!!
Yeah......I had to concentrate REALLY hard to maintain!
And that made it even more funny
I think they had watcher her so many times, they knew the instant she was ready. She was
VERY methodical.
Works on chickens too. I gave my Uncle's rooster, shotguns.

He must have loved them! I was the ONLY person he wouldn't attempt to flogg! He was BIG Rhode Island Red. He could do some damage for sure!
I've heard him cuss me and cuss the rooster in the name I gave him. I named him after my Uncle!

I could hear him say, "Fucker" under his breath, when he watched 'Charlie' get along real well with me. If was high, I'd just have bust out laughing. The way he muttered it every time, was subtle, but quite effective least with me.
I don't think he ever thought I was high. It wouldn't have mattered wif my Unc Charlie. He was cool. He was a single Dad for quite a while......two boys for over 3/4 of their 18yrs. He was too good, for his own good. He was always trying to share, not just with me. Pop said he was always like that.
Some good memories triggered! One of the many reasons why I love this place!

Thanks! That did me some good!