Live Stoners Live Medical CBD Test

Well I finally got all that hash from Aunt Jeannie's Elixir Squished tonight!
After cold pre pressing all the bags, I warmed them up at 125F for two minutes with minimal pressure, just what can be easily done. After the two minutes, the press was raised to 180*F and pressure increased. Once flow was reasonably established, then full pressure was applied. once the temperature reached 170, it was pressed for two minutes more.
I think I came out with pretty decent quality live rosin! I rolled up the rosin and rolled it out like a Tootsie Roll. Wrapped up in a bunch of Parchment paper and is currently in the freezer. I'll divide it up and jar it up sometime tomorrow.
That was 10 more pucks added to the quarter gallon freezer bag that's been in the freezer. It's getting pretty full. It has got quite a few different strains In there. I think it has two batches of VidaMints and now Aunt Jeannie's Elixir as far as the THC/CBD strains. And it has quite a few straight THC strains.
I think I'm just going to decarb the pucks and infuse it into MCT oil. It definitely should be a quite interesting and potent mixture.

I think it turned out very pretty.
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I've been hitting the rosin relatively hard today.. I definitely have had decent pain relief and I have not been incapacitated from the THC. Now I do have to watch very closely after eating. I will definitely fall asleep before I knew it!
This stuff is pretty! It's very translucent.
I figured it was time to utilize all those pucks that I have from pressing. So I pulled them from the Freezer and now I have them packed into the Ardent FX For decarbing!

I think that might actually have to halve The amount I put in the device for infusion. I might have too much in there to do It all at once and not hit the saturation limit . That thing is fully packed! :eyebrows: :eyebrows: :headbang::headbang:

It should be some extremely potent oil. It has quite a few different strains in it and it should prove to be quite interesting.
After decarbing all the pucks, I just halved them and took one half put back into the sleeve and filled enough oil to cover the pucks and a little bit more. I stirred everything with my glass rod about 3 or four times during the infusion cycle.
That cycle is done and working on the second infusing cycle with fresh oil and the remaining pucks.

The resulting all from the first infusion definitely looks to be potent! So I have not had anything for several hours and I made a test canna coffee with three droppers. We'll see what that does in a couple hours.

I still have the picked through seeded buds from Bloodstone. I guess this would be the perfect opportunity to go ahead and utilize that. I'll decarb it and then with the remaining fresh oil and any Already infused all if needed. Then combine all the oils after everything is all said and done.

I plan tomorrow to send out a few samples to a couple of people for them to test and feedback.
Well just lazily finished that cup............... New 14oz Yeti Coffee Cup worked really well!
Definitely nowhere near peaked, but we got a good buzz working. I think this is gonna be some pretty good stuff! :eyebrows: :eyebrows: :eyebrows:
All right definitely think we have a winner here. I believe that I have two runs of VidaMints and one of Aunt Jeannie's Elixir For the two strains of THC/CBD medicinals.
I believe everything else is from THC strains. Off the top of my head there is RootBeerFloat. Mangos N Chem and I think two others that I can't remember at the moment.
There is definitely a very significant amount of CBD. It seems that when there is decent amount of it, my Sinus and breathing seem to improve. least at a noticeable level.
Very very chill. Definitely a significant euphoric effect but not overpowering. A very nice relief in lower back skeletal and muscular pain. Muscles also feel a bit more relaxed and not ready to go into spasms.
Drained the last infusion. That was just under 900 milliliters. Currently Bloodstone is being decarbed. Bloodstone filled up the sleeve about two thirds of the way up. I'm probably going to stay up until that cycle is over so I can add the oil and infuse while sleeping. I need to get, one person especially, some oil out tomorrow!
I'll use what fresh oil I have and then go ahead and fill the sleeve of with the infused oil. That's way more than what is required, but I probably won't reach saturation point by doing it that way.
I don't know what saturation point is, but I'm trying to avoid it!:haha::haha::haha::haha::shrug::shrug::shrug::shrug:

Bloodstone might be a nice little boost to this already potent oil.

I found some more seeds.:eyebrows::eyebrows::eyebrows:
I just ate them!:biggrin::eyebrows::eyebrows:
All right! Decarb is finished and infusion has begun! I used around 200 to 250 ml of fresh oil and topped everything off with 400 to 425 ml of the other infused oil. I think it's going to add a very nice kick!
Hey @BCBudlady
I thought I picked through those buds very diligently. I did miss quite a few. :biggrin:
Staring in the oil and stirring up the buds, the seeds kind of came to the top. Now the vast majority of them are/were immature. It just struck me as funny seeing them coming to the top.

Well I'm going to mix everything up in the morning and make a sample coffee before I send off the oil. Maybe I can give them a little bit of direction on how to take it.:biggrin::face::haha:

I'm ready to go to sleep! I put some droppers on some cookies!!!!:headbang::headbang::eyebrows::chimp::baked:
The ardent FX infused while I was sleeping. I turned unit on for about five minutes to heat the oil to better squeeze the oil out in the French press.
I mixed everything together and came out right at 1000 milliliters. I think that's a very nice haul!
I could definitely smell the difference in the Bloodstone oil.
I'm just gonna send that off untested from last night. It was good oil last night and with the Bloodstone added, it'll just be that much better. I still got things to do before I go to town and just don't want to take the chance of it setting me on my butt!:eyebrows::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::haha::haha::haha::haha:

I'm warming up the Aunt Jeannie's Elixir in coconut oil to bottle it up. I already have 90 milliliters of the MCT oil bottled up and I'm going to bottled up 90 milliliters of this coconut oil. I'll get that off today 2 my friend in need and hopefully that will tide him over for a bit. He'll have to test it to see how it works for him and his needs.

The best thing about this is that all of this medicine is recovered from stuff that would normally just go in the trash.

It is very potent medicine that I can help people with!:headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang::bighug::pass: