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Antonio said he would supply me with whatever I thought I needed
I grew his Charlotte's Angel auto for a couple of years for eyeball and sciatic nerve pain for myself, and anxiety for my wife. Great stuff. Tastes and smells like limes. He definitely has a photo version. Doesn't get you high at all
I make a completely different type of oil and NOT RSO but it has helped a lot of people with pain, arthritis, shingles and has been used primarily in non-cancer related cases. Its can be used topically or orally and did have one cancer patient who used it on sores they had in the mouth and throat from chemotherapy. I infuse high quality food grade grapeseed oil with multiple strains and use roots, stems, trim and flower. Some is used fresh while flower is typically dry. I do not decarb because I do not want to change or alter as little as possible the chemical make up of the plant and its potential benefits. I do not use CBD at all in what I make but use sativa and Indica strains. I typically will reinfuse the oil in my MbMachine 3-7 times on the lowest temp setting 165 for 8 hrs which probably does do a very low level decarb. However taken orally you will get high as F because of its very high % of thc within the oil. Topically it’s not noticeable but works very well.
That's an interesting take! I might try that at a later date with my own meds.
I grew his Charlotte's Angel auto for a couple of years for eyeball and sciatic nerve pain for myself, and anxiety for my wife. Great stuff. Tastes and smells like limes. He definitely has a photo version. Doesn't get you high at all
That was one that I was going to ask for. I wish they had a regular version also.
My thoughts are that by including CBD, the dosage can be increased without a HUGE heavy hallucinogenic/narcotic effect.
CBD will prevent the high. This is because the CBD molecules have a better fit onto the receptors and stay longer. This will prevent the THC to interact with the body. Since it's for pain meds I personally wouldn't go for a high CBD cultivar.
If you are looking for a Auto Sativa with some CBD in it you could go for SSSC's Auto Elephant. In most cases it'll be a 1/1 THC/CBD cultivar, but if you're lucky you get a 2/1 THC/CBD variant. It's a Sativa hybrid and gives of an amazing oily trichome carpet, perfect for pressing or making RSO with it.

If they’re worried about getting high…. Why not try out some non decarbed rosin, instead of rso.
The THC-A molecule doesn't interact with the bodies receptors. You need to decarb it for it to have any influence.
CBD will prevent the high. This is because the CBD molecules have a better fit onto the receptors and stay longer. This will prevent the THC to interact with the body. Since it's for pain meds I personally wouldn't go for a high CBD cultivar.
If you are looking for a Auto Sativa with some CBD in it you could go for SSSC's Auto Elephant. In most cases it'll be a 1/1 THC/CBD cultivar, but if you're lucky you get a 2/1 THC/CBD variant. It's a Sativa hybrid and gives of an amazing oily trichome carpet, perfect for pressing or making RSO with it.

The THC-A molecule doesn't interact with the bodies receptors. You need to decarb it for it to have any influence.
Now I'm kind of just going along with what I have found to help me with my pain. I do think that CBD is a crucial ingredient in addition to the THC. I definitely do think there is something to the entourage effect with using various cannibinoids.

I definitely agree that auto elephant is quite a good auto for a THC/CBD Cultivar.
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I stand by what I said. Thca, while non psychoactive, does indeed have some medicinal properties.
I'd be willing to bet that it does have some medicinal properties.
It's just not what I have in mind for the purpose I'm trying to do.
It's basically the exact same reason I made RSO for my classmate with the stage four pancreatic cancer. It was purely for her to be able to spend some time with friends and family without being in a frigging opiate stupor and not being able to spend much time and say what needs to be said before she passes.
And that's what my friend wants for her husband if the pain develops to be that extensive. It's already in his lymphatic system, so there's no real telling where it will end up. Make remarks that they thought it was already in his bones.

I did tell her to let me know if when going through the chemo his nausea gets real bad or his appetite goes to crap I can give her some oil that should help.
I'm absolutely no expert on RSO but if addiction to opioids is a part of it, have you looked into using some kind of CBG strain ?
For reducing withdrawal symptoms/cravings it is supposed to work excellent in many people.
In this upcoming run I will be running Dutch Passion CBG ForCE photo. I originally picked that strain out for one veteran with fairly significant PTSD. I grew their auto version first one aspect that I particularly liked was that it seemed to relax my bronchial tubes, enough for me to feel the difference. One of the veterans I take care of has extremely bad asthma that is complicated by the surgery the army did to his chest and the accompanying nerve damage that they produced with that surgery. The nerve pain can very easily trigger an attack with him with his bronchial tubes constricting. I plan to make live rosin, decarb it and then make a tincture from that. This way it will be quick acting and no need to smoke when you can't get fucking air in your lungs.
I know this is what will eventually kill my friend. With him being an older new father of toddlers, my end goal is to give him more time with his children and hopefully get him past them graduating high school. I've been trying to get him to move towards using cannabis orally and pull him back from flower With me supplying him with a THC/CBD infused oils and they definitely seem to help with his nerve pain and the associated inflammation.
With a fairly significant reorganization of my grow room and the associated equipment I bought, I think I can go ahead and start saving for an alcoholic extraction piece of equipment. This should be a more efficient way of making medicine than what I have available to me at the moment. If the CBG Tincture proves to benefit him, I may look into making RSO and putting it into capsules for him and for him to take it like a daily vitamin supplement or like any other medication.
I think the Tincture method would be the best method for delivery for my veteran friend with the PTSD. If he starts to have an attack he can hit that under his tongue and hopefully get relief in a quick Fashion.
Well I have a new ongoing test for my THC CBD in MCT oil.

I met a young woman that is having grand mal seizures. In the discussion, she asked if I would supply her some oil. I thought it would be a pretty interesting experiment and could become fruitful, so I thought a nice 60 milliliter bottle would be a fairly cheap experiment.
Her dad was there yesterday and I got pretty much the same info from him as I did from her in the previous meeting, so I felt fairly confident that she was being truthful with how this was affecting her. I told both of them what probably would be the best method, but I said it's just totally up to what and how it affects her specifically. But generally take it like a medicine to get a consistent level of medication to maybe hopefully eliminate or reduce what she's going through. She is taking anti seizure medication, but it sure as hell looks like to me it's not working. But I told her not to change what her doctor told her to do.

And if this particular concoction doesn't work she agreed to be my CBG Tinture Guinea pig for when I get that done. With the relaxing effect it seemed to have on my bronchial tubes, it kind of makes sense that it may lessen the crazy electrical firing that occurs during a seizure. Maybe it can help the body help itself to prevent them. I think that will be also a very interesting experiment.

Hopefully she will be diligent about this and actually really try to make this work and report back to me It's kind of a gut feeling, she may be just a little bit flaky. hopefully with her dad in on this to some aspect , I'll get some at least consistent results. I'm being hopeful. If it helps her then it helps her and if it doesn't it doesn't.

If I get updates, you'll get them very quickly.