A Gardener
working Jah garden
I'm guess this means your not from the US.
When I've mentioned buckets to US guys they don't know what I mean.
They call them gravity bongs.
I made one of these at Glastonbury festival, outside a cinema tent and was giving away buckets to people who had never seen one before, then we all went tin the cinema tent and watched Asterix the Gaul (can't rember which one).
We used to make glass buckets with big wine bottles and drop a dinner knife down the neck to knock out the bottom, the same bottles got used for hot knifes too.
I haven't had a bucket in years but my bro still likes to and his cat likes to drink the water, I'm guessing that some of the oily goodness floats on the waters surface and the cat gets off on it.
We were always on the buckets back in my days. We knocked up proper heads from socket sets and chemistry sets on top. Sometimes for on the go we'd make lungs, instead of using water you sellotape a bread bag to the bottle so you can put it into the bottle and draw down, maybe with a string under your foot. Bit harsh though lungs, so we also made waterfalls which was a bucket but you don't cut the bottom off, you pierce one whole about 2" up, water out but you keep somme in, finger over hole, plam on top, give a shake, cools the smoke. Fresh water everytime. Generally the weapon of choice was chooters, a guess a percolation bong? Where you'd have no gauze, baccy plug and soapbar chug through into water on hit.
I really enjoyed my school daze.