Outdoor LittleBear's Forest

Jun 5, 2015
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Salutations, as promised, posting my current outdoor (first leg of an outdoor perpetual that I'm about to move into a greenhouse :biggrin:)
Had a small outdoor last season, some Buddha assorted fems, pretty decent smoke. After seeing the electricity bill sans 1200w worth of central ac cooled lights, I must say I am absolutely digging the outdoor. :d5:

5x Heavyweight Vast And Fast
5x Heavyweight Mighty Midget
2x Buddha Assorted Auto
3x Royal Queen Northern Lights

Foxfarm Ocean Forest - Happy Frog 50/50 mix
5 gal felt pots for the Heavyweight genetics, 3 gals for the Buddha assorteds and an experimental outdoor hempy bucket

GH Maxigrow/MaxiBloom
FHD CalPow!

Located on a back porch with 8+ hours of direct sun. Rural living is the absolute shit. Ordered a 6x7 "mini" greenhouse, looking to move the whole jumpoff in there once it arrives and gets set up. I have some concerns about rain in the last few weeks of flowers (per the 2015 Farmers Almanac).

The girls at 30 days:
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And my experimental hempy (this was my preferred indoor method, after I move into the greenhouse, I will most certainly be trying a full hempy/greenhouse setup and the next round of genetics).

IMG_0319.JPG IMG_0318.JPG
thanks man, I appreciate it :D

Day 37:
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they seem to be coming along nicely, curious to if they are going to retain the columnar structure, or if the side shoots will fill in for a more "bush/tree" like appearance. Added some stakes to the pots, it gets pretty windy back there in poor weather. About a week eta on the greenhouse (I am fucking stoked).
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LB I think your plants look good .. Id add come cal+mag I use Botnicare works very well 5ML gallon every feed .. are your plants lime green? other than that you doing great.. and no there going stretch and look all kinds of different later on..

It might be your camera making them look lime green..
Im thinking it may be the camera (the last set of pics was at night, avec flash), but I will admit I have not fed these as aggressively as I am wont to do indoors. Here are some other specimens from the garden (veggies) to give you a "color rubric"
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save the tomatoes, im not seeing that "hyper verdant" green that is characteristic in my indoor gardens. with that being said, im seeing the prolific growth I associate with a clean autoflower transplant with adequate, subsequent feeding. currently adhering to a 2x per week half strength feeding schedule, i treat with Calpow (Future Harvest Development's CalMag) each feed as a foliar spray. also, have added molasses since the first set of true leaves. the CalPow has a bit of avaialble N in it, I would hope this was helping as well. Don't want to make the mix too hot, I have found the FoxFarm soils to be adequate for about 3-4 weeks in all but the most aggressively growing strains (more so with photoperiods).

Would you still suggest additional N/Mg? Still new to this outdoor thing, I can certainly see how this radically different environment could have differing nutrient requirements I'm not used to yet.
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my thinking is all autoflowers are cal mag hogs..some growers will tell you led eats it up I've grown under HID and can have N issues unless I use a cal mag additive.. using the additive is the only way i can keep autos from having the issue. Epsom salts and molases not strong enough IMO.. but I still use both..
Thank you sir :) I will start apply the CalPow via soil with the feedings, at full strength. I'm eager to see the results. I too have had a creeping suspicion that autos may generally require more cal and mg, I have definitely noticed it is a huge help in my higher yielding, more "smelly" photo strains. I have an inkling it is vital in terpene formation, and the more the crop smells, the more it may require (the more odoriferous the strain, the more likely I will see slight mg problems). Also, I notice tomatoes, with their rapid tissue formation and rather large fruit formation, require great deals of mag supplementation, wondering if the enhanced growth rate that autos have is more taxing on plant mg levels.

Thanks again bro :)
the enhanced growth rate that autos have is more taxing on plant mg levels.

nailed it. gave a slightly more aggressive feeding with the Maxigrow, CalMag (CalPow actually) at full strength. immediate response, enhanced green and generally more vigorous plants, they look muuuch healthier now. I love you man. Also did a number on the squash (lot of interior growth, starting to run out of space back there.)

I'll post up some pictures later today. Thanks again :thanks: