Biker MOB Day 17 New
Set the girls up on irrigation last night cause I will be away for a few days. Been fertigating every other day now they’ll start once a day feedings. Both girls are a little slow and I think it’s my fault from being behind on nutes and lighting finally got them up to full ppm 600 and 30dli:headbang:

Day 17

I planted a purple biker and skunk mob. As soon as I have life Ill start a thread. Next up for him is russian queen. I asked if there was anyone he wanted done right away and he said that one. So this weekend Ill get the pots ready and plant. Should have life in the next couple days with the other ones.
I was on the fence on taking Sowahh Queen too she doesn't look ready by the hairs still throwing tons of white but the trichz look ready. Although it's a good thing I didn't cause I don't think I would have fit both of them in the dry tent at once there's are ton of bud on LS :woohoo1::headbang::pass:

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